28 - The Kid Finally Grew a Pair

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A faint ringing rouses you from your sleep causing you to slowly blink your eyes open before reaching out and turning off your alarm. A soft whine erupts from next to you and you feel Jungkook's arm around your waist tighten before he buries his head deeper into the back of your neck. You turn your body around to face the sleeping hybrid and smile at his resting features.

The memories from your time spent with the bunny hybrid at the cafe yesterday replay in your head. It's almost as if the kiss is stuck on a constant loop, keeping you in a constant euphoric high. You allow your fingers to trace along your bottom lip as the feeling of Jungkook's lips ghosting against yours still remains fresh in your mind - causing a bright blush to fan across your cheeks.

Your gaze traces Jungkook's features - starting from the tips of his long ears, to his lashes resting on his cheeks, down his nose that wiggles ever so slightly every few seconds, and all the way down to his soft pink lips. You slowly reach a hand out to brush a soft stroke across his cheek causing him to shudder and smile in his sleep. A soft giggle escapes your lips at the sight of Jungkook's cute reaction before you finally decide to get out of bed to get ready for work. You try your best to free yourself from the bunny hybrid's strong hold around you only to have him grunt and pull you in closer.

"Don't go," Jungkook mumbles softly with his eyes still closed. His voice is deep and raspy, barely above a whisper which sends a wave of warmth to rush throughout your body. He tugs you down so that he can tuck his chin onto the top of your head perfectly. You sigh happily when you feel the bunny hybrid pressing small, half-asleep, kisses into your hair.

"Koo, I need to go get ready," you call out softly while trying to peel his strong arm off of you.

"But you're so comfortable," he whines back softly.

"So are you, bun," you giggle. "But if I don't get ready now, I'm going to be late." You watch as he finally blinks his eyes open and sends you a lopsided smile.

"But-" the bunny tries to protest.

"Koo," you warn softly. The bunny hybrid tries to blink his big doe eyes at you in the manner he knows will get him anything he wants. But you quickly turn your head to avoid the lethal gaze, eliciting a defeated huff from Jungkook. Instead, he yanks you impossibly closer to him causing you to let out a surprised squeak in the process. The bunny hybrid instantly dives down and presses his cheek against your neck, rubbing back and forth on your skin relentlessly.

"What are you doing, Koo?" you ask with a small teasing smile tugging on the corner of your lips.

"Just helping you get ready," he practically purs as he shifts to rub his other cheek against the other side of your neck. You allow a full smile to break loose on your face, knowing the bunny hybrid isn't going to openly admit that he's scenting you right now.

"Okay, now you can get ready," Jungkook announces with a satisfied smile as he pulls away from your neck. When he sits up in the bed, his long ears naturally flop around the frame of his face, but he lifts the ear closest to you - silently asking for a kiss. You roll your eyes at the needy hybrid but you sit up and plant a quick kiss onto his cheek nonetheless before getting up and heading towards the bathroom.

Jungkook stares at the wall in front of him blankly as he blinks slowly. He lets one of his hands fly up to lightly touch the cheek you had just kissed before a wide grin breaks out on his face. His ears flop over to cover his face as he kicks the sheets softly while letting out a content sigh. The bunny hybrid can't help but wonder how he ended up this lucky to have such a beautiful person not only take him in and take care of him but also return his feelings when he only thinks of himself as just another bunny hybrid.

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