24 - Feline Traitor

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You're sitting on a chair next to Yoongi as you wait behind the counter for a certain male to arrive. Your leg bounces non-stop and Yoongi glances knowingly at your nervous habit.

"Why are you so nervous?" he finally sighs, having enough with the faint sound of the fabric of your pants constantly brushing against your skin.

"I feel like I'm betraying Jungkook because I called Jimin," you admit. You finally take notice of your movements that are beginning to get on Yoongi's nerves and you stop the motion immediately. Instead, you opt to chew lightly on the inside of your bottom lip.

"You feel like you're betraying Jungkook?" the cat hybrid snorts incredulously.

"I know it sounds weird," you sigh. "But I literally promised him I wouldn't call Jimin. Yet, here I am sneaking around behind his back and calling Jimin."

"God, you're such a child sometimes," Yoongi rolls his eyes.

"I just don't want to lose the trust I've built with him these past few months," you defend yourself. "Do I need to remind you it took me much longer to get Jungkook to warm up to me than it did for everyone else?"

"You won't lose his trust," Yoongi states in a softer tone when he picks up how worked up you're getting. "He cares for you too much to do that."

"How would you know? He's been clingy because of his heat, remember? That was the point of our entire conversation this morning," you frown when an unknown feeling sits at the pit of your stomach.

"Trust me. It's more than just his heat."

You're about to respond to Yoongi's ambiguous reassurance but Jimin walks in through the front door.

"Hi Yoongi, hi Y/N," the young officer greets. Yoongi mumbles out a quick 'hi' and you offer Jimin a nervous smile.

"I'll go get Jungkook," you manage to nervously sputter out.

You force your legs to take you down the hallway to your office. Once you're standing outside the closed door, your hand hovers over the knob hesitantly. You stare down at the cool metal and you debate how you'll break the news to Jungkook. If you tell him straight up that Jimin's here, you know there is a good chance he'll throw a fit. However, you also feel bad for lying to him and not telling him upfront.

"Staring at the door won't make it open." Jin's voice scares you out of your thoughts. You jump and spin around to face the tall male.

"You gave me a heart attack," you glare at him.

"What can I say? My beauty is too blinding and everyone who looks at me nearly dies because of how handsome I am," Jin tries to joke with a wink but you groan having heard this comment nearly every day since you've met him.

"That's my cue to leave," you roll your eyes, causing him to laugh - shoulders bouncing up and down in the process.

"Love you too," Jin coos as before continuing his way into his office.

When you turn back around to face your office door, you take a gulp and finally push it open. Jungkook is still curled up on your couch in the same position he settled into after lunch. He's lying on his side with his face is buried into your blanket and legs tucked into his stomach so that he forms a small ball.

"Koo," you call out softly as you take a seat next to the sleeping hybrid. You wait a couple of seconds for him to stir in his sleep before placing a hand on his arm. The moment your hand comes in contact with his skin that's exposed by his short-sleeved shirt, his eyes snap open and he smiles sleepily at you.

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