12 - Am I In Trouble?

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You're humming quietly as you make coffee for yourself and Jungkook. The bunny hybrid is currently waiting in your office, having immediately seated himself down on the couch when the two of you arrived at the clinic 10 minutes ago. 

However, just as you're basking in the calming atmosphere, the soothing serenity of the clinic is shattered when the sound of the front door slamming open scares you from your thoughts.

"Y/N?" Seokjin's loud voice booms from the entrance. You hear several footsteps thundering down the reverberant hallway until three heads poke into the doorway of the breakroom.

"Good morning," you smile at the three males.

"Where's Jungkook?" Seokjin asks breathlessly.

"Did he really stay at your place last night?" Yoongi cocks his head to the side in confusion, feline ears bent and tail swaying curiously.

"You didn't force him, did you?" Namjoon growls softly. The growl comes off as a mere warning from the wolf hybrid since he knows you would never hurt Jungkook. You find it endearing how Namjoon becomes protective over the bunny hybrid without a second thought. It's very clear he has accepted the youngest hybrid into his "pack" relatively quickly. 

"Wow, so much for a 'good morning'," you roll your eyes. "He's fine. He's in my office."

"Your office? Why is he in your office?" Seokjin continues to bombard you with questions. You quickly shush the oldest male before picking up the two mugs of coffee and making your way to your office. Everyone follows behind you wordlessly with confusion etched onto their faces.

When you open the door, Jungkook is sketching in your drawing pad with your blanket draped across his lap.

"Jungkook?" Namjoon calls out as he peeks into the room from the doorway. When he spots the youngest male cozied up on your couch, his tensed stance visibly relaxes. The bunny hybrid's attention snaps up from the drawing pad and his ears stand tall in alert on his head. 

"Hi, Namjoon," he greets, letting out a toothy grin at the wolf hybrid before setting the drawing pad down on the coffee table in front of him. "How was your trip yesterday? Did you get back really late?"

"The trip was good. We got back pretty late, yeah," Namjoon responds slowly while looking back and forth between you and the bunny.

"What the hell," Yoongi grumbles from behind you. "We leave for a day, he spends the night at your apartment, and now Jungkook is curled up on your couch with your blanket."

"Are you jealous you're not the one cuddled up with a nice soft blanket?" you taunt with a soft chuckle. The feline's expression turns from confusion to distaste as his nose scrunched up cutely. 

"I am not jealous. It's just odd how quickly he's gotten comfortable around you." 

"But that's a good thing. We want him to be comfortable with Y/N," Namjoon interjects when he notices the confusion forming on Jungkook's features.

"I'm with Yoongi; I'm so confused. Care to explain what happened?" Seokjin shakes his head as he takes a seat at your desk. The eldest male glances between you and Jungkook curiously, waiting for one of you to start speaking as he rests his chin on a hand. 

"Am I in trouble?" Jungkook asks hesitantly while subconsciously playing with your blanket.

"No, you're not in trouble, bun," you shake your head, taking a seat next to the bunny hybrid. "I'm sure they just want to hear about how yesterday went at the clinic."

"Oh," he nods slowly before turning to face Seokjin with a bright smile on his face. "Y/N saved me!"

You choke at Jungkook's sudden, and albeit blunt, exclamation which causes the other three males to look at you in shock

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