33 - Kiss the Job Goodbye

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The next day when you wake up, a faint smile rests on your lips from the feeling of Jungkook's arms wrapped tightly around your waist. It's been weeks of waking up in his arms, but you never get tired of the warm feeling of content it spreads throughout your body. However, the moment the events from yesterday run through your mind, your smile instantly dissipates. A soft sigh rolls past your lips as you wiggle around in the bunny hybrid's tight embrace until you're finally able to return his embrace, wrapping your arms around his larger frame while resting your head on his chest.

"Goo' morning, Y/N," Jungkook calls out groggily, rising from sleep with the feeling of you shifting around in his hold. You keep your head resting on his chest - cheek squished against his pectoral muscle - as you mumble back a quiet 'good morning'. "What's wrong?" Jungkook asks, instantly picking up on your sullen mood.

"What happened after your trial yesterday is not sitting right with me. Nothing is matching up," you huff angrily before pushing yourself up off the bunny hybrid's chest so that you're sitting with your back turned towards him. "How could the chief make such an outrageous decision when he knew of my qualifications to take care of you? Jimin and I have been discussing your living arrangements for weeks - the chief even approved of them at one point! He said it himself that Jimin is his loyal officer which means he has every reason to trust me. And as far as I know, the chief doesn't even know Ezekiel! So why is he so willing to put your life into the hands of a stranger? Don't you think something is wrong, Kook?"

"Of course I think something is wrong," the bunny hybrid mumbles. The duvet shuffles until you feel a familiar pair of arms snaking their way back around your waist. Jungkook gently touches his forehead to your shoulder blade and you feel yourself slump against his touch. "There's something about Ezekiel that screams danger. It's on the tip of my tongue but I can't quite decipher what it is exactly. And the chief was out of place when he made his decision because I had already told him, several times, that I want to stay with you. Do you think either of them is hiding something?"

"Ezekiel? Undoubtedly," you answer within a heartbeat. "The chief? I don't know, Koo. Throughout the years I've known Jimin and consequently known the chief, he's never done anything that raised any red flags for me."

"Then perhaps he just misjudged the situation."

"He contradicted himself," you scoff. "He originally said that you are now a free hybrid, and therefore, you get to choose where you wish to stay. Yet, seconds later, he orders you to stay with a man whom you don't even know. I can't believe I let him have the final say. I should've stopped him. I should've done something instead of being Boo Boo the Fool and staying silent."

One of Jungkook's ears perks up in confusion when he hears the foreign name. Boo Boo? Who is Boo Boo and why are they a fool? He asks himself, but he quickly pushes the thought aside and decides to ask you later. 

"Don't blame this on yourself, Y/N," Jungkook chides softly in a warning tone. "None of us saw this coming. We didn't know it would turn out like this."

"Perhaps this was the jinx you were so worried about. You told me not to jinx your trial and I was so sure everything would go smoothly. I didn't even think about the events that would take place after we left the courtroom." You ramble more to yourself than for the bunny hybrid to hear, but Jungkook hears you nonetheless with his heightened senses. He frowns and reaches out to turn your body until you're looking right into his eyes.

"Now you really are being a fool, Y/N. That was just my nerves talking. There's no such thing as jinxing a situation," he mutters so seriously for a moment, you feel the slightest bit of intimidation creep down your spine. Jungkook stares so deeply into your eyes, you feel as if everything about you is on an open display in front of him. However, the moment quickly passes when he cracks a lopsided grin, and his ears flop down to frame the sides of his face cutely.

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