32 - You Belong With Us

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"Y/N! Y/N! I won! Y/N I won!" Jungkook jumps up exclaiming with his ears standing tall in delight.

"We all knew you would, bun," you giggle, also standing up to embrace the ecstatic hybrid.

"Thank you so much," the bunny hybrid whispers into your hair as he wraps his arms around you tightly.

"Hm? What for?" you ask softly as you stand on the tip of your toes to snuggle your cheek into the crook of Jungkook's neck.

"For saving me - helping me. For believing in me," he mumbles while somehow tightening his grip around you.

"I'm so glad I found you, Koo," you giggle as the hybrid lifts you up off the floor. You stare into his eyes and for a minute, the courtroom around you disappears. It's just the two of you standing in each other's embrace. "Jungkook? I want you to know that you are more than just a bunny hybrid. Don't you ever listen to Sora. You are not a weak toy. You are a strong survivor."

"Thank you," the bunny hybrid whispers with a small smile tugging on his lips.

"Group hug!" You hear Taehyung exclaim from somewhere behind you - causing your world with just Jungkook to come crashing down until the courtroom around you fades back into focus. It doesn't take long for the rest of the group to join the embrace, causing Jungkook to laugh happily at the feeling of being surrounded by loved ones.

"Guys, as much as I'd like staying in this group hug forever, I think we should head outside to the lobby. They'll be using this room for the next hearing soon." Jimin speaks up after a moment of silence.

"I would also like to be put down. I feel like a big baby," you pout when you realize Jungkook still has you suspended off the ground.

The group breaks out laughing when the bunny hybrid finally sets you back onto the ground. Bright chatter surrounds you as everyone makes their way out of the room and into the lobby.

"I think this success calls for a celebration," Jin announces once everyone is gathered around in a circle. "Jungkook, how would you like to celebrate today?"

"Me?" The youngest hybrid looks up in shock.

"Well, you did just win your case, Koo," you chuckle in amusement at his innocence. "Of course you get to choose how you'd like to celebrate it."

"What are my options?"

"Anything, bun," Jimin chimes in with a proud smile.

"Anything?" the bunny hybrid's eyes widen with the endless possibilities swarming his head.

"Anything within reason," you add quickly before anything drastic slips past the excited hybrid's lips.

"Well, I would honestly just really enjoy having a meal with everyone since-" Jungkook starts but he quickly stops in the middle of his sentence. Everyone looks over at the youngest male in confusion and they're met with the sight of drooping long ears and a troubling frown tugging on Jungkook's lips. "Y/N, isn't that the man from earlier this morning?"

Upon hearing his comment, an involuntary chill runs down your spine causing you to shudder at the abrupt feeling. Your head snaps to where the bunny hybrid is subtly pointing, and sure enough, the same man is standing towards the corner of the lobby by himself.

"What man?" Jin asks, looking around curiously.

"You're being too obvious," you hiss causing the eldest male to snap his attention back to you, hanging his head low and mumbling a quiet apology.

"If you're talking about the guy in the corner, he doesn't smell very good," Yoongi purses his lips, tail flicking softly behind him.

"Did he forget to take a shower?" Jin asks in a poor attempt to crack a joke.

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