38 - Room Three

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"Y/N? It's time to wake up." A voice startles you from your dreamless sleep. You gasp in a large breath of air as your eyes blink open. At first, your vision is blurry with sleep, but it starts to focus as you continue to blink. Soon, Namjoon's large grey ears come into focus and the gentle smile resting on his lips clams your racing heart. "Sorry to startle you, bub. But you gotta get up and get ready for work."

"Bub," you scoff groggily, sitting up and stretching in the process. "I'm bunny hybrid-less. I'm not broken."

"I never said you're broken. I can call you bub whenever I want," Namjoon points out with a teasing grin.

"You don't usually call me bub unless you know I'm feeling particularly blue," you refute back.

"Well, you have been particularly grey even if you don't want to show it," the wolf hybrid murmurs before taking a seat next to you. He sits close enough so your shoulders are brushing together - close enough for the warmth radiating off his body to comfort a part of you that feels so cold and empty. "I know you put on a brave face for your patients every day - which I understand. But it's alright if you want to show Jin, Yoongi, Jimin, Hoseok, Taehyung, and me your pain. We're your friends, Y/N. We're going to be here for you no matter what. It's concerning how you're just pushing all of your emotions aside and pretending as if everything is alright."

"I'm not pretending," you mumble timidly in a futile effort to save face. But the slight wobble in your voice lets Namjoon know he's hit the nail right on the head. "Is that why you guys have been staying over? To keep an eye on me?"

For the past three weeks, one of the four hybrids has been taking turns to stay with you each night. On the nights Yoongi or Namjoon stay over, you simply walk to and from work with them. However, you can't help but feel bad each time Jimin has to personally drop off Hoseok or Taehyung at your apartment despite the numerous reassurances from the young officer.

"Maybe," the wolf hybrid nods guiltily. "But we also genuinely want to stay over with you to keep you company," he adds in a rush.

"It's okay, Joonie." You let out a gentle chuckle. "I understand. Thank you, I really appreciate it. It's nice having another person in the apartment." You turn your body so that you can embrace the wolf hybrid in a tight hug, burying your face in his chest.

"No problem, Y/N," he hums as he returns your embrace, voice sending tingling vibrations that spread from his chest. He nuzzles his cheek against the top of your head and leaves a gentle kiss in your hair. His hand rubs comforting circles on your back before he gives you one final squeeze.  "Now, go get ready or we're going to be late."

You glance over to your bedside table for the time before your eyes practically bulge out of your head when you realize Namjoon isn't joking. You quickly scramble out of bed and run to your closet to find your scrubs. The wolf hybrid's faint amused chuckle sounds from somewhere in your bedroom before you hear his footsteps padding down the hallway and into your kitchen.

As you mindlessly amble through your morning routine, you can't help but think back to how the past month without Jungkook has played out. The first week was undoubtedly the worst. You could barely step foot into your apartment without an overbearing ache in your chest spreading like wildfire.

At first, you had assumed you were just overreacting and you felt pathetic for feeling like this. It's not like you lost Jungkook forever - he's only temporarily gone. However the boys definitely recognized how tough this change was and luckily, they insisted that you stayed over at their homes for at least the first week to help with the transition of not having the bunny hybrid's constant presence by your side.

You spent the first half of the week with Jin, Yoongi, and Namjoon. The three men made sure to feed you delicious food and shower you with attention each night despite being beat tired after a long day of work. However, the pups quickly whisked you away later in the week; claiming they also needed their 'Y/N comfort time'. Nonetheless, the only time you stepped foot into your apartment was to grab your clothes and some basic necessities.

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