34 - Pink With Kisses

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An eerie silence envelopes the apartment as you and Jungkook sit side by side, silently folding his clothes. The two of you have barely exchanged any words since the moment you woke up - feeling as if everything that has happened within the past 48 hours was a bad nightmare. Yet, here you are sitting with the bunny hybrid you've grown so attached to; helping him pack his belongings into two suitcases.

After the unsettling phone call with Jimin yesterday, Jin had insisted on closing the clinic early to have dinner together. The moment Jimin and the pups confirmed they would meet everyone at the restaurant, Jin had locked the clinic doors and ushered everyone into his car. He had played it off as "still needing to celebrate Jungkook's win". But you knew your best friend better than that. You knew Jin was just as shocked and hurt as you were. The meal you all shared together acted as the last family meal together before the storm hit.

"Y/N?" Jungkook whispers, snapping you out of your spiraling thoughts.

"Hm?" you hum back indicating to the bunny hybrid that he has your attention.

"This isn't fair." You turn to face the male sitting next to you and your frown only deepens when you see him playing absentmindedly with the shirt in his hands. "I just won the case. I just got my first taste of what it feels like to be free. I finally get to be with you and all the guys. And I finally feel safe. But the universe just thinks I'm not deserving of this comforting feeling and rips it out of my hands the moment I lay a finger on it."

You lean back and gaze sadly at the defeated hybrid sitting next to you. Tears well up in your eyes as his painful confession replays itself in your mind. Your lips curve into a deep frown when you finally get a glimpse of this entire situation from the bunny hybrid's perspective.

"I know, Koo. The universe can be cruel sometimes. It seems as if it's been unnecessarily harsh on you your entire life," you mumble while slipping a hand into his and encouraging him to lean his head onto your shoulder. You begin to play with Jungkook's fingers, tracing random patterns onto his soft skin. "It breaks my heart every time I think about you spending the next three months away from us. But keep reminding yourself this arrangement is only temporary, okay? Chief said you get to choose who you want to live with after your three months are up."

"But I want to stay here with you!" Jungkook whines.

"I know, bun. I know. I want you to stay too," you mumble with your lips pressed into his hair, placing soft kisses mindlessly while still tracing patterns on the bunny hybrid's hand. "Just grit your teeth and bear with it, alright? We'll get through this together."

"Do you think he would let me visit you?" Jungkook asks hopefully after a moment of silence. You ponder on the thought carefully. Of course, a small part of you is hoping there is some good in Ezekiel and he allows Jungkook to visit you at least once a month. But, you know better than to let your hopeful wishing get the better of you.

"Honestly, speaking? No, I don't think he will. I really hope he does; I hope with all my heart he lets us meet at least once a month. But I don't think Ezekiel is the type of person to be soft and understanding," you answer the hybrid honestly. Your response only causes Jungkook to slouch over even more and his long ears flop down in front of his face in defeat.

"What if I tell him I'm sick? Then he has to take me to see you!" he gasps in revelation.

"Well, then you'll have to give it a try if you're missing me too much," you giggle, trying to lighten the mood.

"Then I'll be telling him I'm sick every day," Jungkook snorts.

"I'll have Jimin talk with Ezekiel. Maybe if we tell him that I'm more than happy to provide free check-ups for you, we can ensure that we at least get to see each other for medical check-ups," you suggest in a mumble.

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