27 - Boba and Chill

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"Kookie?" you call out softly as you push open the door to his bedroom. The bunny hybrid's form that's buried underneath the covers begins to shift slowly before two long ears poke out from the top of the covers.

"Y/N?" Jungkook mutters groggily, poking his head up from the warm sheets he's wrapped tightly in.

"Morning sleepyhead," you giggle softly, taking in the sight of the hybrid's hair sticking out in all different directions.

"I feel really refreshed." Jungkook smacks his lips as he rubs his eyes gently. You notice his nose beginning to twitch furiously before he hurriedly reaches for his phone. "We're late! We overslept!"

You watch in amusement as Jungkook bolts out of bed, almost tripping over himself, barreling towards his dresser.

"Don't hurt yourself, Koo," you hum in amusement. "I have the day off today." Jungkook halts abruptly in the midst of his rush and turns to stare at you blankly.

"What?" he asks dumbfoundedly, blinking a few times to let your words truly sink in.

"I'm gonna use today to help you with your case," you smile softly. The bunny hybrid breaks out into a soft whine as he thrashes his arms around rather childishly. You bite back a smile as he stomps over to you and lets his head fall onto your shoulder with a soft thump.

"You could have told me instead of watching me have a heart attack," he whines into your shoulder.

"Well, I just told you, didn't I?" you chuckle, combing a hand through his tangled hair. The pouting hybrid relaxes into your touch before tensing again to continue his mini fit. 

"You could have told me before I went to sleep last night," the bunny sulks.

"Here I was thinking you're older than me. But clearly I'm wrong because you whine just like a baby," you click your tongue jokingly.

"I am older than you!" Jungkook defends himself quickly - straightening up from his slumped form within the blink of an eye.

"Okay you big baby," you laugh, patting him on his bottom softly. The hybrid lets out a soft yelp and jumps from the sudden contact. "Go get dressed. We're going to go study at my favorite cafe."

Jungkook glances down at you and finally notices that you're dressed in casual wear instead of your usual scrubs. He blinks slowly when he lets his thoughts wander to how you look even better in casual clothes despite pulling off your medical scrubs very well. A soft blush begins to fan out across his cheeks when his eyes trail from your outfit up to meet your gaze.

"I'll be waiting in the living room," you smirk, having caught him staring a little longer than usual, before turning on your heel and leaving the flustered hybrid with his own thoughts.

. . .

When Jungkook finally rejoins you in the living room, you're lounging on the couch lazily scrolling through your phone.

"I'm ready," he announces softly. You glance up from your phone to smile at him before standing up to grab your purse and your binder full of notes.

"C'mon, let's go," you nod your head towards the front door. The two of you silently slip on your shoes and begin the trek out of the apartment building. "Do you want to walk to the cafe? Or would you prefer if I drove us there?"

"Let's walk," Jungkook hums excitedly at the prospect of getting to explore the city more. You chuckle in adoration and slip a hand into his before guiding him through the various city streets.

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