2 - Because I'm a Girl?

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You groan as you check your phone for the time. 

5:16 A.M. 

You angrily flip onto your side with a quiet huff. This is the third time you have woken up since you went to sleep at around midnight. Your mind keeps wandering back to the possibility of there being a stray hybrid or animal in the alley. If you aren't awake and thinking about it, then you're dreaming about it.

"Fine, I'll just go now," you grumble to yourself as you throw your covers back. You drag yourself around your apartment, still groggy and disoriented from having restless sleep, going through your usual morning routine. When you pack your lunch for the day, you opt to pack a larger portion than usual in case you do find a stray.

It's 5:54 by the time you leave your home. The cool morning air nips at your skin the moment you step out of your apartment building, causing you to hug your light jacket closer to your body. You frown slightly since the sun hasn't completely risen yet. You had hoped it'd be brighter out so that you can see into the alleyway without difficulty. Granted, it's definitely brighter out now than it was last night so you shrug off your frown and continue on your walk. 

You walk on your usual route towards the clinic at a brisk pace but you start to slow as you near the alley. Fear and anticipation slowly creep through your body as you draw closer to the dimly lit alleyway. You shake your head softly and push yourself forward with a tight grasp on your phone in your pocket.

As you walk into the alley, you remind yourself to take slower and lighter steps. The further you walk, the more you begin to think you had imagined all of the noises since you can't seem to hear or see any source of life. However, as soon as you walk up to the large dumpster in the back of the dead-end path, you hear a rushed shuffle. You quickly round the corner of the dumpster and your heart drops at the sight. 

A bunny hybrid is slumped against the wall.  He's curled into himself to keep warm, cowering behind the dumpster. The hybrid looks up at you with wide doe eyes as his teeth chatter uncontrollably. He looks so small and vulnerable in the given situation, but you can still tell that his frame - when he's standing or sitting up straight - towers over yours. 

"Hi," you whisper softly with a gentle smile before dropping down into a squat to show the hybrid you mean no harm. The grip on your phone loosens and you slowly bring your right hand up to pet the hybrid. 

The moment the hybrid registers your hand moving towards him, his breathing becomes heavy and he starts letting out panicked squeals - a common way rabbits and bunny hybrids display fear. You quickly draw your hand back to your side with a frown.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you," you whisper softly. "I was walking home last night when I heard a sound coming from this alley; I was very worried. A hybrid shouldn't be alone on the streets," you frown. You take a moment to let the hybrid process your words while you scan over his body to assess his current condition. 

From what you can see, the hybrid seems to be covered in bruises and gashes but guessing from his posture, there can be more damage that isn't quite visible. He looks to be around your age and aside from his seemingly minute injuries, he seems well fed and overall in a healthy condition. 

"Did someone hurt you? I can take you back to my office."

The hybrid's eyes widen in fear and he begins to thump his right foot excessively. You pick up this other rabbit-like behavior as another display of fear and you realize he had misunderstood you. 

"Oh no, I'm sorry. Let me explain myself. I don't work for Hybrid Services," you quickly clarify, knowing Hybrid Services is probably any hybrid's biggest fear. "I own a hybrid clinic nearby with my friend, see?" you explain as you move your jacket aside to show him your ID badge that is clipped onto your scrub. 

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