15 - Victoria's Secret?

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"C'mon, bun. Wake up," you coo softly as you pull back the blinds in the guest room. Jungkook's ears twitch on the top of his head before he slowly blinks his eyes open with a low groan.

"I thought you have the morning off today," he whines in a husky voice. Your body tenses and your grasp on the curtains tightens as his voice rings in your mind. Suddenly your throat closes a little causing you to choke on your own saliva having been caught off guard by how deep the bunny hybrid's morning voice sounds compared to his usual voice.

"I, um-" you stammer. "We're going shopping, remember?" you quickly recompose yourself.

"Oh, right," Jungkook nods lazily, still half asleep.

"C'mon, get up. I'll make us some breakfast and then we can head out," you say before leaving Jungkook's room to prepare breakfast.

You sigh, looking around in your fridge for something you can make. The typical breakfast you and Jungkook eat is something quick - something you can definitely eat on the go if need be - because of your tight schedule. But since you have the morning off today, you decide to switch things up a bit and make some pancakes.

You walk over to your fridge to grab the refrigerated ingredients before heading over to your pantry to grab the remaining ingredients. Once you have everything neatly organized in front of you on the counter, you quickly whisk up the batter and heat up a pan to start cooking the pancakes.

"Smells good," Jungkook yawns as he walks into the kitchen, lifting himself up to sit on the counter.

"I'm making pancakes! I thought it'd be nice for us to eat a warm home-cooked breakfast for once," you chuckle.

"Oh, can you add chocolate chips? I've seen some people on TV add chocolate chips to theirs and I've always wanted to try it," Jungkook asks excitedly.

"Sure, why not."

Once the pancakes are ready, you and Jungkook head over to the dining table to eat. The bunny hybrid nods in approval as he takes each bite, claiming that it's the best breakfast he's ever had.

When you finish your meal, you head into your bathroom to freshen up before heading back out and washing the dishes quickly.

"All set?" you ask Jungkook as you slip your shoes on.

"Yup," he responds, popping the 'P' - his two long ears flopping cutely as he nods his head vigorously. The two of you head out of your apartment and as soon as you step out of the building, Jungkook starts to walk in the direction of the clinic.

"Where are you going, bun?" you chuckle, catching his wrist to pull him back gently.

"I don't know," he admits sheepishly. "I guess I'm so used to walking to the clinic, I just took off without thinking."

"I'm driving us to the mall," you explain as you guide the bunny with you towards the parking garage behind your apartment building.

"Oh, I didn't know you could drive," Jungkook exclaims excitedly as you walk up to your car. You unlock the doors and slip into the driver's seat while Jungkook takes a seat on the passenger side.

"I can," you nod. "I just choose to walk to the clinic since it's so close. Although I do drive when it rains or when it gets too cold during winter."

Jungkook hums in acknowledgment and remains silent for the remainder of the drive to the mall. You occasionally slip glances at the hybrid whenever you stop at a red light. Each time you look at him, his eyes are trained on the passing cityscape - eyes wide with curiosity.

"When was the last time you've been out like this?" you ask curiously when you stop at another red light. Jungkook turns to look at you and he purses his lips to ponder.

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