11 - Comfort Blanket

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Once you get Jungkook to calm down, you pull yourself back from the embrace.

"Jungkook?" you peer down and the bunny hybrid slowly looks up at you. "I'm going to go get our food, okay? It's just on the front counter. I'll be right back."

"Can we eat in here?" Jungkook asks softly, his voice hoarse from crying.

"In my office?"

"Smells nice and it feels safe," the bunny hybrid whispers shyly as he buries his nose into your blanket.

"Yeah, we can eat in here," you assure before quickly slipping down the hall to grab the food.

As you walk up to the front counter, you notice Jimin, the black panther hybrid, and the man have all left. You decide to switch the open sign to close and lock the front door. The clinic is technically supposed to be open for another three hours but you figure Jungkook has gone through a lot today and that you should provide him your undivided attention.

When you make it back to your office, you notice the bunny hybrid had taken off his shoes and placed them neatly at the foot of your couch. He's now sitting with both legs crossed with your blanket draped around his shoulders.

"Let's eat dinner, bun," you smile at him softly, gently setting the food down on the small coffee table. You sit down next to the bunny hybrid and begin unpacking the food from the bag. You hand Jungkook his meal and he mumbles a small thanks.

"Do you want me to grab the iPad so we can continue watching the show from lunch?" you ask, peering at the male who has begun eating. He sends you a small nod and you push yourself off the couch to grab your device from the break room.

You spend the next hour in your office, eating and watching videos on your iPad with Jungkook. The bunny hybrid has gotten comfortable enough with you to openly laugh at some things that are funny.

A fond smile sits on your lips as you glance over at him. He's still wrapped up in your blanket, making him look even softer despite his well-built frame. However, you also notice Jungkook tugging at the collar of his shirt occasionally.

"Are you okay?" you ask, turning to face him. His attention averts from your iPad and to your face.

"I'm okay," he mumbles, giving his head a soft nod. You purse your lips, immediately picking up his lie.

"Is your throat bothering you?" you ask again. This time, he sends you a hesitant nod.

You silently get up from the couch and head towards your small coat closet, grabbing a washcloth. You then head over to the break room to soak it in water, then heat in the microwave.

When you return to your office, Jungkook is no longer paying attention to the show playing on your iPad. Instead, his eyes are following you as you walk up to him.

"Here, put this on your neck. It'll help get your blood flowing to clear away all the trapped blood. It'll also help soothe the tense muscles which will lessen the pain," you instruct. Jungkook looks down at the washcloth quizzically. You can tell by the look on his face, he's wondering why you have a towel in your office. "Yoongi gets cold easily during fall and winter so I keep some towels in my office to heat them up for him to use as a heating pad," you giggle.

"It smells like him," the hybrid's nose twitches.

"It does? I could've sworn I brought that home to wash."

"Oh no, it smells clean. It just faintly smells like Yoongi," Jungkook clarifies as he presses the warm cloth to his throat. His face relaxes at the new comfort and you smile at him.

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