19 - I'm Dying?!

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When you and Jungkook walked back to your apartment after closing the clinic, you had noticed a strange atmosphere between the two of you. At first, you had assumed it was all in your head because you were feeling slightly apprehensive about the conversation you wanted to have about his heat. However, you soon realized Jungkook also seemed a little standoffish the closer you got to your apartment.

Every time you glanced up at the bunny hybrid, he would quickly avert his gaze and glance away. He talked with you normally but you noticed his speaking pace was slightly faster than usual - something that only occurs when the bunny is nervous.

Unbeknownst to you, Jungkook's mind was racing with thoughts. He kept thinking back to the conversation he had with Yoongi and Namjoon earlier in the day. What did they mean by "what does this mean"? Is cuddling supposed to imply something is happening? But most importantly, why does his stomach swirl with emotions every time he looks at you? Is he sick? Maybe he should tell you or Jin in case he's really sick. This never happened before and he couldn't figure out why it's happening now. 

"Jungkook?" you call out to the tall male as you finish washing the dirty dishes from dinner. Jungkook pokes his head into through the kitchen doorway and hums in acknowledgment. "Are you heading to bed right now?"

"No, I was actually wondering if I can borrow a book? Namjoon recommended some books and he said you have them."

"Oh, yeah go ahead. You don't need to ask. Go ahead and take whichever books whenever you want," you encourage him warmly. "However, before you do that. I need to talk to you about something," you add in a softer tone before turning off the faucet and patting your hands dry on a towel.

"O-oh, okay," Jungkook stutters. You motion him to follow you to take a seat on the couch. Jungkook follows behind you nervously and takes a tentative seat next to you. You watch as he starts playing with one of his ears when the two of you sit in silence for a few seconds.

"Don't worry," you reach over to pat him on the knee reassuringly. "You're not in trouble or anything. I just need to ask you a few questions."

"Oh, okay," he sighs out a big breath. "What's up?"

"Well, I was talking with Jin earlier today and we were discussing your heat cycle," you explain. You take a moment to pause, noticing the faint blush spreading across the hybrid's cheeks. "He told me you were put on heat suppressants?"

"Yeah, I don't know the name though. My owner just gave me the pills every time my heat came. They were small circular purple pills," Jungkook nods in confirmation. You hum as you nod slowly, deep in thought.

"Okay, let me call my mom and ask her about them." You pick up your phone to dial her phone number.

"Is she also a doctor?" Jungkook asks as the line rings.

"No, she works for the Food and Drug Administration. I'm going to check with her because I have a hunch the pills you're describing aren't FDA approved." The bunny hybrid's face pales at your words and you give him another reassuring squeeze on his leg. "Don't worry, you're not in danger. I just want to double-check before we make any further assumptions," you soothe. After a few more rings, you finally hear your mother's voice on the other side of the line.

"Y/N? How are you?" her warm voice greets you.

"Hi, mom," you smile. "I've been well. A bit busy at the clinic, but still doing well. How are you?"

"Oh, you know. The same old," she chuckles and you hum in amusement.

"Well, I have a question to ask you. Do you have your work laptop with you?"

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