7 - I-Missed-You-Itis

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"Alright, it was good seeing you today. Everything looks good from this checkup," you smile at the red panda hybrid as you walk out of the examination room after him. The two of you make your way back to the front of the clinic where his owner stands up from the chairs in the waiting lounge to join you.

"So, how did everything go?" she asks as you round the counter of the front counter.

"Good! Vitals are all where they're supposed to be. He's all healthy," you smile. "Here, let me finish your checkout process real quick then you guys can go enjoy the rest of your day."

"I can do it," Yoongi speaks up from where he's lazily sitting on his swivel chair. His tail flicks your lower back slightly and you look at him quizzically. "Your next patient is here."

"My next appointment isn't for another 30 minutes?" you cock your head to the side as you glance at the clock displaying on the monitor of the computer. You feel the cat hybrid's tail tap your lower back again and you look up to where his gaze is focused on. Your face instantly brightens when you spot three familiar figures.

"Doctor! Quick, I need help! My hybrids are feeling extremely unwell," Jimin's voice dramatically calls out. Said male even goes as far as holding the back of his hand to his forehead to feign distress.

"I have a bad case of I-missed-you-itis!" Taehyung plays along, just as dramatically, with his tail wagging behind him at the speed of light.

"The only cure is ear scratches and hugs," Hoseok adds insistently with a huge smile sitting on his heart-shaped lips - his tail also matching the speed of the younger hybrid. You giggle softly and make your way over to the three males, giving them each a tight hug. As suggested by Hoseok, you also give the two pups scratches behind their soft golden ears.

"So, what's up? I know you gave me a brief rundown of what's going on over the phone, but..." Jimin trails off.

"Right," you clear your throat. "I found a bunny hybrid in an alley yesterday. He was abused and we just filed the report. Luckily, I got a permit to treat him and house him for the time being. It's just he's a little lonely since all of us are working during the day," you explain. "And he doesn't really like me, yet."

"Why doesn't he like you? You're so nice and you give the best ear scratches," Taehyung whimpers, hands flying up to cling around your arm before nuzzling his cheek against your shoulder affectionately.

"Well, he's scared of me because his owner that abused him is also female," you reply cautiously while glancing at Hoseok.

You still remember when Jimin had decided to adopt his second hybrid, Hoseok. At first, Taehyung thought it was because he wasn't good enough for Jimin. But as soon as the older male had explained it was because he felt bad for leaving Taehyung home alone all the time, his assurance instantly calmed the worried pup. In fact, Taehyung would not stop talking about the excitement of having another hybrid in the house the week leading up to Hoseok's adoption.

However, what no one expected was the amount of time it took for this new hybrid to warm up to Jimin and Taehyung. Hoseok had come from a background quite similar to Jungkook. He was also abused, so he had minimal trust in the world. Surely, with time Hoseok realized that Jimin and Taehyung weren't like his previous owner. Now, Hoseok lives comfortably and happily in their family of three.

"Poor bun," Hoseok frowns and you nod understandingly.

"C'mon, you guys should meet him," you motion for the three to follow you to the break room. 

Taehyung looks down the hallway with uncertainty and you send him a look of sympathy. The Golden Retriever hybrid has a certain past with hospitals and clinics and you know it's taking him all of his courage to be standing in the building right now. Jimin, knowing his younger pup like the back of his hand, slips a hand into Taehyung's and gently tugs him down the hall with you and Hoseok. 

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