3 - The Big Bad Clumsy Wolf

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"Y/N? Did you find a hybrid? An animal? Where are you? Are you hurt?" Seokjin's worried voice bombards you with questions the moment the older male answers your phone call. 

"Good morning to you too," you chuckle sarcastically. "I'm okay, Jin. Did you open the clinic yet?"

"Yeah, I just opened. Why?" 

"Well, I found a bunny hybrid," you state matter-of-factly, glancing up at the hybrid in front of you. His eyes are still trained on you, unrelenting in tearing his gaze away in fear of you moving towards him suddenly, displaying a mixture of uncertainty and fear. "From what I can see he's hurt and needs medical attention."

"How far are you from the clinic? Do you think you can help him back?" Seokjin ponders. 

"I think it would be better if you came to help him," you state in a flat tone and the older male instantly picks up on what you're trying to hint towards.

You and Seokjin have practically been connected at the hip since you guys met in medical school. The two of you attended the same classes, studied together, pulled all-nighters together, graduated together, and now you guys run a hybrid clinic together. 

Before opening the clinic, you and Seokjin had completed your medical residency at another hybrid clinic that specializes in treating rescue hybrids. A lot of the hybrids there were oftentimes abused or strays found on the street - which meant you two have been through your fair shares of treating some less than ideal cases. 

Before you and Seokjin had developed your short coded phrases, some hybrids had quickly picked up on what your diagnoses meant for them. And sometimes, if the hybrid was really scared, they would try their best to escape. Other times, like the current situation with the bunny hybrid in front of you,  you just felt bad to blatantly talk about their fears because you're scared they would've taken it the wrong way. As a result, by the time you completed the residency program for two years, you and Seokjin had developed short phrases to discreetly inform each other of any given situation.

"Oh, got it," Seokjin sighs. "Should I bring Joon or Yoongi?" he asks, causing the bunny hybrid's right ear to flicker in interest and curiosity slightly.

"What do you say, bun bun? Would it be alright if Jin brought one of his hybrids? They're both very nice guys," you ask the hybrid sitting in front of you. He purses his lips and glances around as if he's pondering, but then he slowly nods. "Okay, bring Joonie please, and have Yoongi look after the clinic. I'll send you my location."

"Okay, we'll be there shortly," the older male affirms before hanging up.

After you send Seokjin your location, you're left in silence, still squatting in front of the hybrid. You let out a soft sigh and take a seat on the cold ground. The hybrid watches your every move but his eyes quickly glance away when you catch him staring at you.

"Do you want to talk while we wait? They should be here in around five minutes," you ask, trying to ease the nervous tension, but the hybrid shakes his head no. "That's fine," you nod in an understanding manner. 

"Well let me tell you about Namjoon to pass time; he's the hybrid that's coming along with Jin," you state and the hybrid gives you a slight nod.

"Namjoon is a wolf hybrid," you start and notice the bunny tense. "Don't worry, he might be a predator hybrid but he's a big softie. He's very clumsy; practically breaks everything if he isn't careful. Honestly, if his ears and tail didn't give him away, everyone would probably think he's an overgrown puppy," you giggle causing the corner of the bunny's lips to tug upwards. 

"Namjoon's a natural-born leader. He's very good at taking care of everyone. He's very intelligent and knows how to handle every situation very well. That's why I asked him to come, you know?" you ask rhetorically, glancing up at the bunny. "I know he'll be able to help you feel a little more comfortable. I always call Namjoon to help me when the hybrid I'm taking care of feels anxious or uncomfortable," you smile fondly at all of the memories you have of working with the wolf hybrid.

As if on cue, you notice the bunny hybrid's nose wiggle and his velvety long ears stand tall on his head. Soft footsteps echo off the walls surrounding you as they approach from the entryway of the alley.

"Y/N?" A familiar voice calls out softly.

"I'm here, Joonie," you call back as you stand up. When the wolf hybrid sees you, he breaks out into a short jog before embracing you in a bone-crushing hug.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt? I knew I should've come with you," the canine hybrid rambles.

"Joonie, I'm fine. I'm not hurt," you giggle as you pry yourself away from the older male.  "I can't say the same for him, though" you add in a mumble, stepping back to reveal the injured hybrid. Namjoon glances down towards the bunny hybrid and a deep frown immediately settles on his face.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry," he frowns. 

Seokjin finally catches up to the group and sends you a reassuring smile before turning to his hybrid.

"I specifically told you we're here to help an injured hybrid, you brat," the older male scolds before lightly pinching one of Namjoon's grey ears.

"Ow, sorry," the wolf whines as he rubs the tender spot. You look down towards the bunny hybrid and you notice his eyes are wide and his breathing is picking up again.

"Jin, cut it out," you state sternly before dropping down into a squat again. "Hey, bun. Breathe with me, okay? It's okay, Jin isn't hurting Namjoon on purpose. It was a playful pinch because the big bad wolf was mean and ignored you when you should be our top priority right now," you inform the bunny hybrid gently.

"Oh, hey buddy. I'm sorry I scared you. I promise I'm not a bad person," Seokjin coos as he squats down beside you. "I run the hybrid clinic with Y/N and I'm here to help you back to the clinic so we can take a look at your wounds. Is that alright with you? I'm sure you're in a lot of pain right now," he frowns as he catches sight of the bunny clutching his ribcage.

"C'mon, bud. I'll help you back to the clinic," Namjoon smiles before squatting down in front of the injured hybrid with outstretched arms. The bunny remains curled up against the wall and his nose twitches furiously as he sniffs Namjoon's hands. After a few moments, the bunny hybrid slowly takes the wolf hybrid's hands and stands up with a couple of quiet grunts.

"Here, let me help you on the other side," Seokjin offers and he moves to support the bunny. 

The four of you slowly make your way back to the clinic with the bunny sandwiched in between Seokjin and Namjoon.

 After a slow-paced 10 minute walk, you finally catch sight of the familiar building in front of you. You rush ahead of the three men to hold the door open for them. 

"Took you long enough. I thought I'd have to run this whole place by myself till closing," Yoongi grumbles from behind the counter. 

You send the cat hybrid a quick glare as the three men walk into the clinic, causing the feline's jaw to fall slack. 

"Oh shit, you don't look so good," Yoongi gapes.

"Yoongi," Seokjin scolds.

"Yeah, yeah. That was rude, I know. Sorry. Which room?" The cat hybrid rolls his eyes as he walks around the counter to prepare an examination room for the bunny.

"Give him room three, it's the biggest," you instruct as you take over Yoongi's position at the counter.

"What? Aren't you going to help?" Yoongi asks dumbfounded, glancing between you and Seokjin.

"No, only Namjoon and I are going to be inside the room," the older male answers sternly, and the cat hybrid nods - finally grasping the situation. "Besides, I need Y/N to take care of the patients that have morning appointments with us."

Having said that, the three hybrids and Seokjin shuffle into the examination room - leaving you by yourself in the front of the clinic worrying about the fragile bunny hybrid.

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