5 - Are They Dating?

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"Yes, Officer. I will fill out the form and send it over as soon as possible," you nod unconsciously while jotting down a few quick notes onto a sticky note. "Yes, thank you. Have a nice day! Bye." You hang up the phone and finish writing your remaining notes on what you need to do. While doing so, a soft knock sounds from your office's door to which you call the person in.

"How'd it go?" Yoongi asks as he walks into your office.

"Everything went pretty well. They're going to email me a form to fill out so they have all the information necessary to process the arrest of Jungkook's owner," you reply, glancing over your shoulder at the cat hybrid. "Oh, and I mentioned our clinic so they're also emailing a permit to treat and house him for the time being," you smile excitedly, turning back to face your computer.

"That's good. What are you going to do with him?" the cat hybrid probes as you check your inbox for the email. You smile in triumph when you find it sitting at the top of the screen.

"Hm? What do you mean?" You turn towards the cat hybrid and send him a confused pout as the documents print.

"Will you take him in?"

"Oh, well. I've never thought of owning a hybrid since I'm so busy at the clinic and I wouldn't want to force them to come to the clinic with me every day. Jin got lucky with you and Namjoon willingly working here. But, on the other hand, I do get a little lonely when I'm home alone. Oh but then again, I would hate to leave Jungkook alone during the day for such a long time," you ramble on.

"No, I didn't mean to ask if you'd adopt him. I meant to ask if you're going to house him for the time being," Yoongi cuts you off.

"Oh," you huff out, a little embarrassed. "I don't know if he'd be comfortable with that," you purse your lips in thought.

"I don't think so either," the cat hybrid nods in agreement.

"Are you guys able to take him in?" you ask, peering at Yoongi who is deep in thought with his eyebrows furrowed together.

"Maybe. He can sleep in Joon's room since Jungkook seems to have gotten very attached to him. I can share my bed with Joon. Or Joon can share a bed with Jin."

"I still don't understand why you three have separate rooms. You all end up in the same bed most nights anyway," you snicker. 

"Hey, sometimes we need our own space and our rooms give us that privacy," the older male pouts.

"Alright, I'll give you that. Now, let's go ask Jungkook what he would prefer. I also need to ask him questions to fill out the form," you suggest, grabbing the freshly printed documents with one hand and holding out your other hand for Yoongi. 

He grumbles softly about not liking affection but slips a hand into yours nonetheless. The two of you make your way to the break room where the bunny hybrid is currently resting with Namjoon. Yoongi knocks softly before pushing the door open slowly.

"Hey bun, we have a couple of questions," the cat hybrid mutters in a bored tone as the two of you walk into the room. 

Jungkook's nose twitches as he sniffs the new scents filling the break room and then his eyes quickly fall to your hand that's holding Yoongi's. One of his velvety ears stands tall on his head while the other one stays bent cutely. He quickly leans over and whispers something into Namjoon's ear causing the wolf hybrid to burst out laughing.

"No, they're not dating," Namjoon chuckles and Yoongi grumbles something incoherent under his breath.

"Oh, no. We're not dating, bun. Yoongi just likes affection no matter how hard he tries to convince everyone he doesn't," you coo as you slip your hand out of Yoongi's hand to scratch behind his ear. Despite the cat hybrid's soft protests, he ends up purring loudly and his tail flicks happily behind him.

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