6 - Hazelnut Because He's Cute

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You're humming to yourself softly as you sip on your coffee, reading the charts of the patients you'll be seeing later today. It is currently 6:30 A.M. and you know Seokjin and the hybrids will be arriving soon so you begin to prepare the older male's charts for him. As you're humming to yourself during the process, your thoughts wander to the bunny hybrid you found yesterday.

Jungkook had ended up going home with Seokjin and the bunny hybrid seemed a little more relaxed when he walked away from the clinic with Namjoon by his side. In fact, he had spent the entire day in the break room with the wolf hybrid. Jungkook only left the room to use the restroom and when the older hybrid had encouraged him to return the completed form to you.

A faint chuckle escapes past your lips at the memory of the wolf hybrid informing you of what had happened. Jungkook had been too scared to actually go into your office. Instead, he had opted on knocking on and slipping the form under your door before scurrying back to the safety of the break room. 

"Good morning, Y/N," Seokjin's bright voice snaps you out of your thoughts. You look up to the front door of the clinic as said male walks in with the three hybrids trailing in behind him.

"Good morning," you chirp back, handing your best friend his charts for the day. "Coffee?" you offer and you receive three grateful hums in response. "Jungkook, do you want coffee?" you ask, glancing at the bunny hybrid that somehow manages to make himself look smaller despite his tall frame.

"I, uh - I've never had coffee. My owner said it would stunt my growth," he mumbles softly.

"Oh, that's not true. Surely it's not as nutritious as milk but it can't stunt your growth. Your growth is all genetics," you purse your lips. "Plus, you're 27 years old; you're all done growing. I'll make you a cup."

Everyone silently follows you into the break room where they sit down at the table and you head over to the counter to prepare the drinks. When you're waiting for the coffee to warm up, you feel a cold hand grasp onto yours. You turn around and you roll your eyes jokingly at the cat hybrid who brings your hand up to his head, trying to signal that he wants ear scratches.

"You can use your words, Yoongi," you tease with a shallow chuckle, slowly scratching at the base of his ears.

"Don't wanna," he purrs blissfully with his eyes closed. Behind the two of you, Namjoon looks at your hand longingly and a soft whine escapes from the back of this throat. Seokjin, who's sitting next to him, sighs and brings up one hand to scratch behind the wolf hybrid's ears as he keeps his attention trained on the charts in his other hand.

"So, Jungkook," you speak up causing the hybrid to flinch. You pretend to ignore his reaction but deep down it still hurts knowing the bunny hybrid is scared of you. But your pain isn't caused by the fact that he's scared of you. Rather, it pains you to see such a precious hybrid so scared of females just because of an abusive owner. You really wish you could take away all of the fear inside of him and show him the good side of the world. "How was spending the night at Jin's house?"

"Good," he mumbles, avoiding your gaze.

"That's good. Where did you sleep? Did Joonie snore too loud?" You ask the last question with a snicker causing the wolf hybrid to whine in protest.

"Namjoon offered me his room," Jungkook responds before pausing a little as if he were hesitating. "I kinda heard him snoring through the walls," he adds softly. You, Seokjin, and Yoongi burst out laughing while Namjoon's face turns bright red.

"Sorry kid," the wolf hybrid chuckles in embarrassment.

"At least you didn't have to share a room with him. I thought the roof was going to blow away," Seokjin jokes. You and Yoongi begin laughing harder, Namjoon hides his face in the older male's shoulder, and Jungkook cracks a small smile.

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