21 - All Grown Up

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Meanwhile, the three hybrids in the break room are talking with each other in hushed tones.

"What's up, Yoongles?" Hoseok asks once the elder shuts the door close. Yoongi frowns at the use of the nickname but makes no effort in calling out the dog hybrid.

Yoongi had been the one to convince Hoseok that Jimin and Taehyung are good people and that they are safe to trust after the Golden Retriever hybrid was adopted. It came as a shock to everyone when Hoseok had grown noticeably attached to Yoongi. It was a general assumption that Namjoon would have been the one to comfort the new hybrid since the wolf hybrid was excellent at calming and helping patients at the clinic. However, Yoongi's quiet nature had sparked Hoseok's interest which resulted in the dog hybrid quickly attaching himself to the feline. Perhaps the biggest shock came when Yoongi made no attempt of pushing the dog hybrid away.

"I think he wants to talk about Jungkook," Namjoon speaks up to which Yoongi nods.

"Oh, yes! His heat," Hoseok nods knowingly.

"So it is his heat," Yoongi hums in amusement.

"Yes," the dog hybrid nods in confirmation. "I'm not sure if you guys can smell it but his heat scent is very faint right now but it's growing stronger by the day. I guess I'm able to pick it up because I spent some years with him before. At this rate, his heat might hit by next week."

"That would also explain his sudden display of subtle aggression," Namjoon adds, causing the two older hybrids to nod in agreement.

"If I'm being honest, I think it's because of Y/N," Hoseok admits softly. He looks down at his lap shyly, not really knowing if the other two hybrids will agree with him.

"Me too," Yoongi mutters causing the dog hybrid to let out a soft breath of relief. "The kid has been so attached to her and he won't leave her side. I can't even get ear scratches from her anymore. It's almost as if he's developing a crush on her and it's coincidentally triggering his heat to start early."

"Yeah! I've noticed that too! He keeps following her around like a lost puppy," Hoseok laughs happily at the irony of his statement.

Namjoon listens wordlessly, deep in thought, as the two hybrids converse. As much as he would like to think the young bunny hybrid's development of romantic interest in Y/N is triggering his heat to start early, a tiny voice in the back of his head is telling him there is a second plausible factor.

"Joon?" Yoongi calls out when he realizes the wolf hybrid is spacing out.


"What are you thinking about? I can practically see the cogs turning in your head," the cat hybrid snorts.

"Well, as much as I think Jungkook is developing a crush on Y/N, I also think it's something else," Namjoon admits.

"What is it?" Hoseok asks, cocking his head to the side causing one of his ears to flip over.

"Well, I was in the room when Jin first examined Jungkook the day Y/N found him. This means I overheard when Jin asked Jungkook about his heat cycles," the younger male explains. "Jungkook had mentioned that he was on heat suppressants and from what I heard from Jin and Y/N, they were most likely unapproved suppressants. And since they were unapproved, Y/N thinks it'll be best for Jungkook to go through his upcoming cycle naturally to ensure those suppressants didn't do any damage."

"Poor Kookie," Hoseok sighs. "The shelter that found me after I ran away made me do the same thing. The first heat after taking suppressants for so long was excruciating."

"I wonder how Jungkook's going to take it," Namjoon frowns. "Is he going to stay at Y/N's? The scent might help but he'll be all on his own since Y/N works the majority of the day."

"Oh, I heard Jimin on the phone with Y/N last week," Hoseok exclaims. "I think Jungkook is staying over at our place when his heat hits so that Tae and I can look after him."

"That's a good plan," the youngest nods in approval.

"Wait I'm still confused. What do his suppressants have to do with him liking Y/N?" Yoongi asks with his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

"Well I don't think it has anything to do with Jungkook liking Y/N," the wolf hybrid clarifies which causes the two other hybrids to stare at him like he grew another head. "Perhaps he is developing a crush on her. But I'm not sure if there is a correlation between his suppressants and his infatuation with Y/N. So I'm thinking his suppressants might be triggering his heat early."

"His suppressants?"

"More like the lack of his suppressants. Since he hasn't been on them in over a month, his body is probably sending him into early heat from the lack of hormone control," Namjoon explains and the two other hybrids finally catch on.

"Damn, I was really hoping Jungkook would grow some and tell him he likes Y/N. They were so cute at lunch today," Hoseok pouts.

"If by 'cute' you mean 'sickening', then I agree," Yoongi huffs, lying his head down on his arms.

"To be honest, I don't think he even understands that he likes her yet," Namjoon purses his lips.

"What do you mean? How can he not know?" the cat hybrid asks as his tail swings behind him lazily.

"Well, I was observing him," Namjoon starts but gets cut off by a snort from Yoongi.

"Of course you were. Do you ever give that big brain of yours a rest? You should consider taking a nap sometimes." Namjoon glares at Yoongi for cutting him off rudely before clearing his throat and continuing on.

"Anyways, as I was saying. I've noticed that Jungkook seems puzzled by his own reactions around Y/N. There are times where he hesitates and you can practically see the confusion on his face when Y/N says something that makes him blush."

"My baby bunny is all grown up," Hoseok coos while wiping away nonexistent tears.

"Hoseok, when did your previous owner adopt Jungkook?"

"If I remember correctly, he was 15. Before that, he was living in a shelter."

"Then I doubt he's had a chance to experience his first love yet," Namjoon hums, deep in thought.

"I honestly didn't understand the concept of romantic attraction until after Jiminie adopted me. I mean, I've definitely read some books and occasionally watched some movies where the protagonists were in love. But I never felt it for myself and so I couldn't really comprehend what it truly meant," Hoseok admits.

"Then I'm sure Jungkook is in the same boat that you were in. But I'm certain he is going to discover for himself very soon," Namjoon hums. "Plus, I think Y/N is reciprocating this little crush. Her heartbeat always escalates whenever he's around her."

"Think of how cute they'll be! When was the last time Y/N had a boyfriend? She's always cooped up in this clinic," Hoseok gushes.

"I find it hilarious Jungkook acts younger than his age and Y/N acts older than her age. They're perfect for each other," Yoongi snorts.

"Oh, you'd be surprised," Hoseok muses. "Jungkook might seem soft on the outside but he's got this whole other side to him and it's kind of intimidating."

"Yeah, and Y/N only acts all mature at the clinic. Remember when she took us to the amusement park? She was literally a child, I swear," Namjoon adds.

"Oh, I can't wait for him to fall in love as I did," Hoseok gushes, a wide smile making its way onto his heart-shaped lips.

"Please don't go on about 'your precious Jiminie' or 'your adorable Tae Tae' again," Yoongi groans. "We get it, you're in love with them and they love you back very much."

"What do you mean Yoongles?" Hoseok gasps dramatically, clutching a hand over his chest. "What about us?"

The cat hybrid whines when an overly excited dog hybrid attaches himself to his arm. The wolf hybrid sitting across from the pair chuckles and watches the two interact with a fond smile resting on his lips.

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