25 - No Dirty Thoughts!

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The next week without Jungkook dragged by incredibly slowly in your perspective. You no longer had someone to walk with to and from work, someone to talk to once you got home, and someone who would constantly ask you for pets every other hour. It felt as if a part of you was almost missing with the absence of a certain bunny hybrid.

Every night when you returned home from the clinic, the silence in the apartment irked you. You had pondered on how you used to live so quietly by yourself. In an attempt to distract yourself, you made a habit of playing one of Jungkook's records each night while you were cooking, eating dinner, and reading up on how to prepare for court. However, your sad attempts seemed to only remind you even more of Jungkook's absence.

You had called Jimin every night to check in on the bunny hybrid's condition. Just as Hoseok had predicted, Jimin reported that Jungkook's heat seemed to hit him a little harder than what was considered to be normal.

According to Jimin, Jungkook was heavily under the influence of his heat during the first three days. The hybrid was overheating and experienced extreme discomfort. Taehyung and Hoseok had kept the bunny to stay in nothing but his boxers the entire day and managed to wrestle him to take a couple of cold baths to prevent his body from heating up any further.

Your heart clenched when Jimin informed you that Jungkook complained about being in a lot of pain during those three days - stuck in a state of frenzy trying to chase the release from his heat. His painful groans had admittedly kept the two Golden Retriever hybrids up during the night.

However, you were extremely relieved when Jimin had reported on the fourth day that Jungkook's heat was noticeably waning. He had been able to get up to take a shower all by himself and only looked to be in slight discomfort. The bunny hybrid was even well enough to join the three men for meals at the dinner table.

"You look so sad," Jin scoffs at your current state. You're leaning your chin onto your hand that's resting on the table in the break room - staring at the wall in front of you blankly. "You've looked like a lonely bean this past week."

"It's been boring without Jungkook," you mumble softly.

"Don't worry, Y/N. The week is finally over and you get to pick him up tonight," Namjoon comforts you, patting your back softly. The wolf hybrid sends you a comforting smile and you smile back, leaning your head on his shoulder.

"You're whipped for the bunny," Yoongi snorts before taking a sip of his coffee.

"Am not," you grumble back. You receive a knowing look from all three males to which you frown. "What?"

"I've known you for years now and I've never seen you care so deeply for a person this quickly," Jin points out, causing Yoongi and Namjoon to shoot each other excited glances. "I mean, it literally took your last boyfriend three months of persistent convincing just to get you to hold hands with him in public."

"Okay, and? Maybe I just dislike skinship," you shrug awkwardly but everyone, including yourself, winces at your poor attempt of brushing off Seokjin's comment.

"Honestly, at this point, you're either really dense or you're trying to push aside the fact that you have feelings for a certain hybrid."

"I don't have feelings for Jungkook," you try to state adamantly but it comes out sounding incredibly weak.

"Is that so?" Namjoon hums while trying to stifle a laugh.

"I caught you looking through the very few pictures you've taken with or of him on your phone during your breaks every day this week," Yoongi snorts.

"I was just feeling lonely. I'm allowed to miss a friend," you shrug nonchalantly.

"You seem really excited to call Jimin to hear about Jungkook every night," Jin presses.

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