39 - Smarties

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"I've missed you so much too, Kook," you chuckle softly in disbelief. "I've missed you so much it hurts."

"Me too," Jungkook whispers back softly. You frown at his words and a sudden wave of guilt crashes within you. All this time, while you've been feeling the pain of Jungkook's absence, you still had your friends by your side to comfort you. Jungkook, however, has been all on his own. "Why are you frowning?" the bunny hybrid asks, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"You've been all alone this time and I feel so bad," you mumble with a pout.

"Hey, don't feel bad. I won't be alone for long. I'll be back before you know it," Jungkook says optimistically while reaching a hand out to tilt your chin to look up at him.

You instantly melt when your gaze meets his and you lean up to plant another kiss against the soft lips you've craved so much the past month. He instantly smiles into the kiss and leans forward to deepen it which causes you to grab onto his arms to stable yourself from the sudden force. You're so lost in the kiss, drunk on his intoxicating lips, you barely notice the new firmness to Jungkook's biceps. When you pull apart, you can't help but let your hands wander from his biceps to gently palm at his pectoral muscles.

"Have you been working out? You feel stronger," you murmur in a daze. Jungkook chuckles adorably as he plays with a strand of your hair.

"I have," he shrugs nonchalantly but there's a hint of pride nipping at the back of his tone. "Ezekiel has been taking me out to get some fresh air at the park at least three times a week, so I've been setting up a workout routine. I usually go on a jog at the park and do some muscle-strengthening workouts at home while he's at work."

At the mention of the name that has caused you so much pain, the taste on your tongue sours and you instantly scowl. However, your features soften to a frown when you hear how calm Jungkook sounds while talking about the infamous man. Ezekiel has been taking him to the park three times a week? You were never able to provide that kind of free time for the bunny hybrid - he was always stuck inside the clinic or at home with you.

A little voice in the back of your head screams at you to remind Jungkook of the phone call with Jimin and the Chief. A small part of you fears Ezekiel has already won over the bunny hybrid by offering him free time outdoors. However, you remind yourself to remain calm and to stay patient. You need to wait for the right time to pry.

"The park? That sounds nice," you mumble, fingers tracing mindless patterns on his chest.

"I guess," he mumbles back. The change in his tone causes you to look up into his eyes and your breath catches in your throat when you find him already staring at you with sparkling doe eyes. "It distracts me from thinking about how much I miss you."

"Don't say things like that," you sputter in shock, quickly ducking down to hide the blush that creeps across your cheeks.

"Why not? It's true," the bunny hybrid asks, feigning innocence. But you can practically hear the amusement in his voice which causes your heart to beat even more sporadically.

"It makes my heart skip a beat," you mutter honestly.

"Well, I guess I should stop. I can't have you dying on me," Jungkook jokes, causing you to giggle.

As your laughter dies down, you guide the two of you over to sit on the examination table so that you're not just standing in the middle of the room. Jungkook instantly snakes an arm around your waist to pull your bodies closer and you snuggle into his embrace - sighing in content at feeling his warmth once again.

"So, how and why are you here?" you ask after a moment of silence. "I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm so happy to see you. But Jimin told me Ezekiel was very reluctant when he told him about my offer of free check-ups. So I highly doubt the man willingly brought you here for a check-up."

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