26 - Caught Humming Dynamite

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"Y/N!" You hear two excited voices exclaim from behind you before you're suddenly engulfed into a tight group hug. Your vision is immediately clouded with the golden-colored ears of Hoseok and Taehyung and your ears pick up the low hum of wind being created by their rapidly wagging tails. 

"Hi, pups," you giggle, giving the two smiling hybrids some ear scratches. 

"Not a pup anymore," Hoseok growls as he nips at your wrist softly in response to the nickname. Taehyung, on the other hand, basks in the bliss of your ear scratches without batting an eyelash at the nickname. 

The small harmless bite Hoseok gives you causes something to lurch within the bunny hybrid as he watches the scene play out in front of him. The youngest hybrid glances wearily from his spot on the love seat and his lips curl into a slight scowl. It should be him receiving your ear scratches. Not Hoseok or Taehyung. Yet, despite his strong urge to protest against your affectionate actions, the bunny hybrid makes no attempt in vocalizing the growl that's threatening to rip loose from his throat.

"How was your week?" the younger dog hybrid asks while dragging you over to sit on the couch with him. You find yourself being forced in between the two Golden Retriever hybrids in a warm cuddle.

"Good," you nod and smile, eliciting satisfactory smiles from Taehyung and Jungkook - but Hoseok sees right through your lie.

"Liar," the older pup barks accusingly causing Jungkook's smile to falter into a frown. How can Hoseok tell you were lying? Jungkook thought your answer seemed very convincing. "You're not very good at lying, Y/N."

"She had me fooled," Taehyung mumbles with a frown - voicing the bunny hybrid's thoughts.

"Don't worry, pup," you coo softly while ruffling his hair. Unbeknownst to you, the bunny hybrid sits a little taller at your action and puffs out his chest subconsciously. Jungkook huffs in irritation as his patience with the two affectionate dog hybrids starts to wane. "It's not like I had a bad week. It just could have been better."

"Did something happen at the clinic?" Hoseok asks softly while playing with your hand in a comforting manner. Jungkook watches the two dog hybrids, who have your undivided attention, with jealousy boiling in the pit of his stomach. He's about to stand up to snatch you out of your seat but your gaze snaps up to him before he can move a muscle - causing him to freeze on the spot.

"Nothing happened," you shake your head with a small smile while maintaining eye contact with the flustered bunny hybrid. "But that's the problem! Nothing happened because a certain bunny hybrid wasn't there to make my week special."

Jungkook's heart skips a beat and his tail begins to tremble enthusiastically at the mention of his absence dulling your week. He fights the urge to show how happy your confession makes him feel but the muscles on his face win the internal fight and he's soon bearing his adorable bunny-like smile.

"You missed me?" he beams happily, ears standing tall in excitement.

"Of course I did," you nod with a small pout to emphasize your point. "I was so lonely without my favorite hybrid."

"Hurtful," Taehyung scoffs dramatically. "I thought I was your favorite hybrid."

"Hush, pup. They're having a moment," Hoseok chides the younger dog hybrid and you giggle at the two's cute interaction.

"Of course Y/N missed Jungkook, Tae," Jimin chimes in softly as he makes his way into the living room. "Imagine if you had to spend the week without Hobi or me? Wouldn't you miss us dearly?"

You squint your eyes at Jimin, immediately catching onto what the male is subtly hinting towards - that your relationship with Jungkook is the same as his relationship with Hoseok and Taehyung. The mere thought of being together with Jungkook causes your insides to stir, but you quickly calm yourself before the hybrids can detect your flustered state. 

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