Chapter Five

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When Chris went inside Killer took a moment to think over what he just said before coming back to Dust and the others.

"So...where is he?"

"He went inside. Just have a good feeling about that kid."

"Is that so? How come?"

"Isn't it obvious he's more like us than you think, Dust."

"Yeah, I get that he isn't like the others.  He might have just been through something personal. It's probably just nothing." Killer said brushing it off as none of his business.

"Yeah, you're probably right."

The two parted to their own rooms forgetting that they had to watch over Chris.

Nightmare met his brother Dream in his throne room. He was about to get to Dream with one of his tentacles before Dream said something.

"Wait! Brother! I just came here to talk!" Dream said putting his hands up in defense.

Nightmare never dropped his guard especially when his brother is around.

"About what exactly?"

"It's...the AU's Ink isn't happy about you trying to destroy them all. It isn't right and you know it!"

Chris was inside now and just so happens that he was by the door when he heard them from the other side.

"Oh, and you think that talking to me about it is going to make it better? If so it's a no. If that squid had a problem with me he would've spoken to me not you Dream."

Chris held back a gasp as he realized that it was them from the book. Why did his brother want him? He sure didn't know.

"You know that it's our sworn duty to protect these innocent people. I know that you can change for the better just trust me and stop doing it."

"First of all, 'innocent'? If that's true then how come half of us were in horrible AU's or just copy's of it huh? Also, you can forget about trying to change me. This is who I am Dream. Now go before I send you back yourself!" He said ready to attack at any second.

"Alright...I won't leave then I'll have to do this the hard way then." He said taking out his bow.

Chris's eyes widened in shock were they actually going to fight each other?

"If that's how you like it then fine. We can play this little game of yours all you want... everything will fall into place eventually." He purred softly before striking at the wall to attempt to corner his brother.

Dream then ran to the other side of the room and started firing the light blue arrows at him.

'Maybe they're just playing...' Chris thought getting more nervous for Nightmare.

As each arrow hit Nightmare he tried his best not to scream out his name. He didn't want to be a distraction after all. He felt something else trying to come out of him. Something dark. All of a sudden his eyes turned a solid black color and a few tears escaped from his eyes. This is when he realized that he wasn't a 'normal' kid. Nightmare was quite surprised whenever Dream had him knocked down to the floor. He was weakened from those arrows. He must've done something to them. They never weaken him. Now they did. There Dream stood in front of him with newly found dominance.

"Give up?"

"In your dreams bastard..."

Chris wiped his tears and even they've been corrupted and turned darker as well. He's had enough of this chaos as it is. After waiting for a couple of seconds longer and he opened the door and gotten a good look at the two. Dream and Nightmare glanced at the doorway to find the boy. They were a bit shocked at the sight.


"Wait who is he Nightmare!?"

Chris waited for them to fall silent before answering.

"I don't want to share my name right now sir. Now for my sake and yours...Let. Him. Go. Dream."

Chris sounded older than he actually was so Dream being extremely confused backed away from Nightmare and put away his weapon.

"H-how did you know my name?"

He didn't answer and went to go help Nightmare.

"We'll answer your questions in a more...ideal time now please leave." He said.

Dream opened his portal and left the place. Nightmare grabbed onto Chris's hand so he could get up and regain his strength. Once he did he noticed something off with Chris.

"Are you alright there?"

"Y-yeah...just a bit-"

Chris couldn't finish his sentence before collapsing. He was drained from energy and needed rest. Nightmare was lucky that he caught the boy in his arms just in time. He couldn't wrap around the reason why he protected him. How did he even know Dream's name? What was the stuff in his eyes? So many questions that he wanted answers for. The black stuff that was coming out of his eyes reminded him of Killer. He picked him up with his tentacle around his waist before placing him in his arms gently and carried him into his room. He tucked him in and turned off the light then left the room. He could hear the others from downstairs so he teleported down there to see what the ruckus was about.

"Where is he, Killer!? You had one job and you fucking blew it!" Dust said interrogating him.

"He's inside somewhere!?"

"Wow, that explains it doesn't it?!

Nightmare sighed at their pathetic service and answered their question.

"You two are really not good at watching over someone. Aren't you?"

"B-boss!?!" The said in unison.

"I could hear you two from his room so I suggest you quiet down and go do your jobs."

"Do you know where he is then?" Dust said in question.

"He's asleep for now. Next time keep a better eye on him or you're dust. Understand?"

"Yes, boss." They said before walking off.

He'd was annoyed at the two but wasn't surprised since they never had to watch over another kid besides their dusted brothers. With Dream, he went to Ink and Blueberry to tell them the news.

"Ink! Ink! You'd believe what I just saw!" He said running to Ink in the doodle sphere.

"What did you see Dream?"

"Nightmare has a human living in his castle!"

"What? A human? That isn't right...are they a Frisk?"

"No, I think he's been brainwashed by Nightmare!"

"Why would you assume that?"

"Well, when I was about to defeat him he just went into the room in anger. Against me. His eyes and tears were a solid black. I'm assuming it's hate. He also defended him and told me to leave!" Dream said with the best of his memory.

"Maybe so...I'll look more into it you need some rest."

Dream nodded in agreement before leaving Ink to his own room. Blueberry went to Ink and offered him a taco.

"What's wrong Ink?"

"I don't know Blue, it just feels like Nightmare and his gang are up to something. That's all."

"Maybe we should go see them next week. Try not to worry about it buddy!"

"Heh, thanks Blue. Wanna watch a movie?"


Soon the both of them went to Blueberry's place to watch a movie together. While Dream follows them to go and rest there.

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