Chapter Nine

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The next day Chris felt the warm light hit his face from the windows. Chris sat up in his bed and looked at the clock it was only six.

"That's strange..." He mumbled to himself.

He never wakes up at this hour he usually does around twelve. It was an odd site but he took this as an advantage. He has gotten up despite his urge to just stay there and rest some more. He went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He then began to wash his face in some warm water and then left to get some clothes. He took out some fingerless gloves then places them on the counter as well as the blade. He then took out a gray hoodie and jeans to go with it. He stripped himself of the clothes he was wearing before and into the ones he was going to wear. He slipped the gloves onto his hands and shoved the knife into his pocket. Once he was done getting ready he left his room and walked around the castle waiting. An hour passes and the others awake from their slumber and went into the kitchen to make themselves some coffee with Chris following behind them.

"Dust can you make me a glass?" Killer said sitting in one of the high chairs by the island.

"Sure thing. Do you want some kid?" Dust asked Chris.

"No, I'll pass but thanks."

"Alright, there's cinnamon bunnies in the cabinet if you want those for breakfast."

"You mean bun?"

"Nope just take a look at it and it'll make sense."

Chris then went to the cabinet and opened it slightly to find the cinnamon bunnies. He opened it and saw that it looked like a small bunny. The only difference was that one was cinnamon.

"Believe me now?"

"Yeah, it looks cute!"

"Good, now eat it."

Chris rolled his eyes before taking a bite out of it. It tasted a lot like a cinnamon roll would've except he felt more awake with it. Like it did something to his health status. Dust took a notice of his shocking behavior.

"What's wrong? Have you never had a healing item before?"

"No...I have but I feel more awake now you know."

"Oh, yeah having those for breakfast is good if you have low health."

"Heh, thanks for letting me know that."

"No problem."

Chris went outside to practice what Nightmare was teaching him. Turns out his soul has some sort of magic in it so he's learning how to tame it without losing control like the first time. Right now he can only make sparks of light paper and disappear. Sure it takes damage but it's in small portions of their health away. He doesn't have the motive to harm anyone in his path but he must do it for Nightmare...right? He made a small spark and shot it into the air to watch it fade away into the air.

"Hey, you ready to go sparky?"

Chris growled softly to himself and turned around to see Killer.

"Yeah and please don't call me that."

"Alright come on then."

Chris followed Killer to meet the others in the throne room. Nightmare was currently speaking to Horror about easier and quicker strategies to 'get rid of' the people in the AU. They took a glance at him and noticed that he was there with Killer. 

"Oh, are you ready to go Chris?"


Nightmare created a portal to Underswap to try to destroy it. They entered the portal carefully as it closed behind him. They took their first steps in the snow and looked around the place. This was it alright. Nightmare knew better than to just let the kid see the destruction that was going to be done. That would've been a mistake. He knew about it, yes but he didn't want to help with it. 

"Chris go to waterfall I'll send someone to come and get you once times up alright?"

"Ok. Thanks, Nightmare." Chris said pulling up his hood.

Chris left to go to waterfall just like Nightmare said to do. Little did they know that Blueberry saw Nightmare and his gang in his universe and immediately called Ink and Dream over to try to stop them.

"Ink. Come quick! They're in my world and they're trying to destroy my universe!"

"Alright, we'll be there in a sec blue!" Ink said before hanging up on blue.

"Dream we need to leave now!"

"Are they doing it again?"

"Yup." Ink said getting his Broomie out and ready.

Ink then created a portal to Underswap to where Blue was. One Blue saw the two he hugged them for reassurance.

"Blue, it's ok we're here bud." Dream said to try and comfort Blue.

"Dream! You were right."

"About what Blue?" Ink said.

"He does have a human with him!"

"Alright. We need a plan to get him out of there safely. Blue you can try to convince him to come with you to 'hang out' you know. While you do that we can go distract Nightmare and his gang. Is that a plan?"

"Yeah, let's split." Dream said.

They split up and went in different directions. Blue took a shortcut to waterfall to find Chris. While Chris was trying to practice his magic in a secluded area. A spark accidentally burned him in the process.

"S-shit!" He muttered to himself.

He saw one of the waterfalls and went to one of them to cool down his burn. He let out a relieved sigh once his hand touched the water. Without a towel, he just shook his hand until it was dry enough to start over.

"Alright, let's try again..."

He sparked up light and shot it into the air as it dusted at the roof of the underground. He smiled fondly at the sight. At least he could defend himself someway without the blade.

"Wowie! The was sure something human!"

Chris jumped at the voice and tried to shoot the person behind him. Blue was shocked whenever he was almost shot but luckily dodged it.

"I-I'm so sorry sir! I d-didn't mean to do that!" Chris stammered as a black tear rolls down his face.

"No, don't apologize it's fine really! Wait... is that a black tear on your face?" 

"Huh?! Oh this, yeah I get those often don't worry about it." He said wiping his face.

"How often do you get those?"

"I can't go into detail but let's just say that I'm just a cry baby," Chris said with a sad laugh

"Really? I didn't know that. By the way my name the magnificent Sans! Or just blue if you'd like." Blue said showing off.

Chris rubbed his neck awkwardly as if he tried to think of something to say to this skeleton.

"I-I'm Chris...It's nice to meet you."

He didn't know what to say but he knew he couldn't stay here with him he had to go back at some point. Then he heard distant screaming and shouting from back in Snowdin. Chris gasped and Blue took a notice of his sudden change of attitude as another tear rolls down his face.

"Not...again..." Chris growled softly to himself

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