Chapter Thirty

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It's been a week now and Science removed the bandages off her eyes. The bruising was gone for the most part. So that was good. He'd noticed that one of her eyes was now a pale white. It must've been from the fact she almost died. She looked fine for the most part so she went back to the doodle sphere with Ink. The first thing Blue did when he saw her, he immediately tackled her into a bear hug. 

"Delilah! You're back!" 

"Of course I am. I always bounce back in the end!"

"Now that you're all healed up we should train you back into order! We don't want something like that to happen again does we?"

"Yeah, I wanna back a powerful comeback! You'll see!" Delilah spoke cheerfully trying to hide her blood-thirsty need for revenge.

"Great! Let's begin in the Doodle sphere! It has more space and the house won't get destroyed!" Ink spoke cheerfully.

Ink took out his paintbrush and twirls it into the air. He soon created a portal for them to go through.




Chris woke up the next week exhausted from his intense training sessions. He didn't tell Nightmare about the paper left in his room. He wanted to figure it out himself. It was his destiny after all. He got dressed for the day like usual. Today he is going out to help them on a mission. Chris gained Nightmare's trust and he begged to go on another mission with them. Nightmare strangely complied as long as he answered his phone and listened to his orders without complaint. An odd deal to make but it worked. He feeds Cloud and gave him water.

"I'll be back tonight bud so here's some extra. I guess you can call it your brunch huh."

Chris started to pet the kitten as he started eating the food.

"Chris, we have to go we don't have all day kid! Stop talking to your cat and let's head downstairs." Dust said not even knocking on the open door.

"I know, Dust."

He stopped petting the cat and followed Dust out. When they made it down the others were already there. No one really wanted to waste time today. Especially if they have to destroy at least ten AU's before the stars show up. Chris assumed that they were probably pissed off for what he did. Maybe they didn't even know it was him because of Lantern. He used mainly weapons and his sparks on her. Then he ordered Lantern to cut the cord for her after the kiss. He still wasn't over Delilah, after all of that he can't be expected to get over it as Nightmare wants him to. Though Nightmare's plans and intentions were hidden away, Chris could never tell what's wrong and what's right anymore. Not like it matters now, he just has to stay focused and try to forget about it. Even if it was more recently he has to do as he's told. On the battlefield, there's no time for grief until the end of the war.

"Alright, we're only going in and out of there so take your time and have fun. Just don't take too long there's plenty of fun to go around."

As Nightmare said that he made a portal that leads to Flowerfell. Just to go easy on everyone and build their way up. They went through and made it to the beginning. In the patch of flowers where Frisk falls upon. They weren't in it for obvious reasons but they were in front of it. Nightmare told them to let loose on the AU. It was basically Underfell with a twist. Chris didn't really pay no mind to the whole storyline. He decided to follow the others and help Killer get the monsters who ran away from him. It wasn't long until they killed Toriel and left the ruins. Soon they went their separate ways and they split up. Chris was ahead of the others and was in the barrier between Waterfall and Snowdin town. All of a sudden he saw a colorful light, like a portal of some sort. Being smart he ran away from the sight to warn the others. Just like Chris predicted it was the stars trying to stop them. By the time he saw Horror, he started yelling.

"Get the others! Trouble arrived!"

Chris followed Horror as they rounded up everybody.

"Damn they have to ruin everything don't they?" Dust groans twirling his knife in a circular motion.

"We better go and leave the rest to Error. This place is already destroyed enough."

"The kid's right. But it's annoying how we have to leave things undone."

"I guess your right, after all, it's the only way to avoid fighting them."

"How the tables have turned. Did you want to avoid us? Impossible is it not?"

A familiar voice cooed testing Chris's limits. Seeing how far he'd go. Would he even go as far as he did the last time? Chris froze as he heard the same feminine voice who pleaded for his mercy before she supposedly died. Or maybe she wasn't even dead in the first place. Was it true? Could it actually be her? Or was it just a false promise he couldn't keep? Chris could feel the heartbreak out of his chest. What is this feeling? Fear? Doubt? Was he glad she was alive? All of those difficult emotions hit Chris like a hurricane.

"W-what? I thought you were"

"What dead? Please, gotta say you almost killed me back in Underfell. But my job isn't done yet!"

Chris heard that laugh of hers that wasn't unfamiliar to him. This time it was more intimidating than all fair game. That's was shook him to the core.

"So it's true then," Chris mumbled under his breath.

"What was that? Speak up? No need to be shy now." Delilah teased.

"If I can't do it once. Why not try again a second time!" Chris shouted abruptly.

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