Chapter Twenty-Eight

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When they got back to the castle Chris was grounded for three months for 1: Running away and 2: Getting an animal without his permission. It made sense to him so he went with it. He went back to his room and shut the door behind him. He put the kitten down so it could wander around while he cleans up his mess. Chris ended up getting a broom and dustpan out and cleaned up the glass first so Cloud wouldn't step on it on accident. Chris then picked up the books, papers, and pencils off the ground and placed them back in order. Then he noticed something about one of the papers. It was folded up into a neat square shaped making him more curious about what was written on it. He opened it out of curiosity and read what was on it. 

~Love sometimes blooms under severe differences. These two will soon find each other again in the dim moonlight. They can't die unless they die together. These two can't separate due to rationality. They'll always find a way to bounce back. No matter what happens~

Chris's eyes widened at what it said. The paper was torn up at the top. There was something else that wasn't. He started questioning things in his head. What was this? Is it true? Maybe it was about him and-

"This can't be right. She's dead. There's no way this can't be true if it's about us.  Then, she could've survived. Besides, it's silly to believe in some piece of paper."

He thought about it long and hard while he cleaned up his room.  He couldn't get it out of his head no matter what he did. Once he was done he opened up his desk and put the note in there. Thinking about what it could mean. He didn't want to bring it back to him. All Chris wanted were answers. Why was this here? Where did it come from? He decided to sleep on it until then. He put on some pajamas and collapsed into bed. Chris didn't realize until now, about how tired he actually was. He hasn't really gotten much sleep in the past week or so, so it wasn't a surprise when he finally shut his eyes and passed out on the bed. Cloud right bedside him curled up in his arms.




Dream and Ink made it into Sci's place through a portal they created. Once they got in they saw him working on a machine.

"Sci! We need help!" Dream shouted.

"What is it? What happened to her?!"

"She was attacked! Somehow she's alive but we can't get her soul for some reason!"

"Put her on the bed over there I'll do the best I can," Sci said looking at her limp body.

Ink gently placed her onto the bed and glared at her as he mumbled a silent prayer for her. He noticed that she was smiling. How could she smile like that in so much pain?! If she felt any pain that is. 

"For this, I'll have to ask you both to leave for today."

"We can't! She needs us!" Dream shouted.

"Please do as I say. I know you care for her, but this might take a while and you two have jobs to do in the Doddle sphere and out of it."

"He's right Dream. We should probably leave him to heal her wounds. He has my number if anything happens." Ink mumbled lowly.

Dream looked at Delilah, then back at Ink and Science with concern and fear in his sockets. He didn't want to leave her there, but Science was right. If he stayed there Nightmare would have an open opportunity to torment people's dreams and turn them into nightmares. Dream sighed going towards Delilah's body. Dream looked at her with tears wanting to spill like waterfalls. He forced the lump in his throat down as he touched her hair brushing out of the way of her face. His thumb rubbed across her head softly as he smiled sympathetically.

"No matter what happens Delilah, you'll always know how to make me smile in the best of times."

He went to Ink face pleading for them to stay. Ink just squeezed his hand lightly forcing a grin on his face. 

"Come on, Dream. We need to go. See ya later Sci!" 

As he said that he got out his oversized paintbrush and created a portal with it. He waved Science Sans goodbye and they walked through the portal. They both made it back to the Doddle sphere in one peace. Dream fell to his knees and hugged himself tightly as tears came down his eyes.

"We should probably get back to work, What do you say, Dream- Dream? Are you alright?!"

"So many negative emotions are happening all at once! It's too much to handle! W-what are we going to tell Blueberry?! I don't want to lie-" 

"Dream, it's ok. You're overwhelmed. I know it's hard right now. But for now, we need to stay positive. For Delilah. I'll explain things to blue once we get things done." 

"If you say so."

They decided to stay together for the rest of the evening. Ink was trying his best to make him happy. But Dream still had the empty void in his soul. Ink could feel it too. Things didn't really feel the same without her. They went over to Blue's place to tell him the news. Nervous and worried about how he'd react to it. Ink hesitated to open the door but did anyway. They walked in and Blue was more cheerful than usual. 

This was going to be hard.

"Hey, guys! Where's Delilah?" He asked.

"Well, we have some bad news. We found Delilah in Underfell, we thought she was dead at first but Dream felt her positivity show through."

"What! Is she ok!?"

"Blue we took her to Sci's place for the night to see what's going on. We couldn't summon her soul but she was still alive. Like something was stopping her from dying."

"It doesn't make sense. She doesn't have the soul of Determination."

"What if, no."

"What is it Dream?" Blue asked.

"The prophecy. I thought it was silly but maybe, just maybe it's accurate. It might be the reason why she's not fully gone. They'll have to die together."

"That's a bit, morbid don't cha think?" Ink replied.

"I-I know but it's the only spark of hope that I have left! Don't you think that it's weird!"

"It is weird. Dream maybe we should just see what happens. Until then you should probably eat something."

"I will. But after that, I'm heading back to Underfell!" Dream shouts.

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