Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Change the future?"

"Yes, right now it seems bleak if we keep going with this never-ending battle. You've seen it before, it'll just kill us both."

"Let's stop fighting then." 

"Heh, our differences make up incompatible."

"So what if we're different!?" Chris yelled.

Chris got back on his two feet still sluggish from how tired he was. But it didn't matter to him much more.

"We're nothing alike! I'm supposed to be good and you're- you're just! Evil!"

"Since when did you label things as good or evil?"

"Since always."

"That's not the point. We were friends once. Don't you remember!?"

"I remember it well. I just did what I had to. We have to go our separate ways!"

"No! Why avoid your so-called enemy when you can just keep them closer just to break them in the end?"

"Do you hear yourself right now? You think I'm going to fall for something like that?"

"No, you're stronger than I am. I know that. But you can make anything work with a bit of hope then sprinkle in a bit of luck too. You can destroy anything and anyone from the inside out."

"Don't you think I'm aware of that?!"

"I know that you For two years I've been trying to forget about you but I can't!"



She saw his ink-like tears come down once more as he said that statement. Chris tricked himself to believe that it was just her ghost. Ghosts are real, aren't they? At this point, he didn't know. He wanted to give up so badly. Knowing it's the only way out of it. But he just couldn't if he gives up now who knows what hell awaits him. Delilah knew that he wasn't one to give up so instead she put away her weapon and spared him.

"You win this time. But everything that happened to us up to the point was all real. You're not insane or crazy, don't take your mind down that rabbit hole just because there's no way out. There is hope. You just have to learn how to look back and change your ways."

"My ways?"

"You were a good person once. Maybe he's still within you. Maybe he's far behind you. You'll decide that for yourself. I'll talk to you later to chat."

"Okay," Chris mumbled to himself.

Delilah teased him and blew him a kiss before going to Dream who was arguing with his brother. Chris felt that pang in his soul again. It was that same feeling of uneasiness that drew him in. He went over to his group and held his head.

"Tch, what happened did you get your ass beat by a girl?" Dust said nudging his shoulder.

"Shut the fuck up Dust."

"Nah, maybe she was his ex-girlfriend or something." Horror said joining in.

"I wouldn't say I'm his ex!" Delilah said from the other side.

"You people are the bane of my sanity." 

"Oh, Chris got himself a new girlfriend~"

"Shut up!"

Chris's face flushed into a crimson red in response. He just yawned out of tiredness. At this point, he just wanted to go back home and rest. He went over to Nightmare and looked at him.

"N-Nightmare? Can we go back now? I'm tired."

"I suppose so. Also, you're crying again."

"I know. I just don't feel like fighting anymore. Even if you told me to, I just feel weak right now."

"I get it. Go through the portal and go to your room. I'll talk to you when we're done." 

Nightmare created a portal and Chris walked through it. When he was back in the castle he felt a heavy pressure on his shoulders. He only backed out of a mission twice, so he felt guilty. Even though he couldn't fight anymore he felt like he should go back. He took off his cloak and washed his face. Suddenly he heard something in his room. He turned around and saw a portal that was leading into his room. The thing was it wasn't Nightmare's portal, it was Delilah's. He called his kitten and it ran to the bathroom with him. Cloud jumped onto the counter and glanced at Chris curiously. He sighed and rubbed his eyes. Chris just leaned against the wall nonchalantly as Delilah came out of it.

"You back for round two or something? Kinda rude to get someone at home base."

"If I could summon a gaster blaster I'd happily hit you with that but I can't."

"Then what are you here for?"

"To chat idiot. What? Did you forget about what I said?"


"Whatever. I think that we're somehow connected. Not as siblings."


As Chris said that he locked the door to his room and sat down on his bed, patiently waiting for her response. He found it strange how she specified that they weren't connected in any way. Because he knew that.

"It's like something is stopping me from dying. Look at my soul for a minute. Then look at your own."

She summoned her soul and it was the same as she left it. Nothing but a yellow silhouette with the same cracks inflicted on it. He obeyed and summoned his. His soul is purple with grey cracks in it. Every now and then sudden shocks of pain hit him when he's using too much power.  The cracks in their souls looked identical. Even if Chris hasn't been stabbed in the back he had his own scars from training. He saw Cloud purr against her leg. His soul disappeared as hers did as well. Chris felt that fuzzy feeling again. He couldn't tell if it was uneasiness or something else. He suddenly panicked and hugged her. Chris held in the tears. He wanted to show her how much he actually cared for her but he didn't know how to. Delilah's eyes widened as he said;

"It's me."

She just sighed knowing it was going to happen, it was just all just in due time.

"I guess there's still some good in you, after all, Chris."

All Chris could do was hug her tighter knowing that she wasn't going anywhere. After all, destiny sowed them together like seeds. That's what made them so special. Even if Chris was the son of Nightmare. It didn't make him any less of who he is on the inside.

The end.




(Yup this is the end of this book. I've spent a lot of time on this series of chapters! It wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for my friend gretetl65300 for coming up with this brilliant idea. So go check them out if you want to! I'm pretty sure that they have their own version of this so check that out if you liked this one! Besides that, I hope you guys have a wonderful day/night!)

(Also thanks again for 500+ reads! You guys are amazing!)

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