Chapter Two

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(Tw: For kidnapping and you know the gist of it)

Chris woke up screaming and sat up quickly from his bed.

"No, no...I-I."

The poor kid couldn't even finish his sentence before breaking into sobs. That's when he remembered something that comforted him. His golden bear from the old pizza place was the only thing he has left of his now-dead family. He wiped some of his tears off but they never fully went away. He crawled under his bed to try and find something. He took out a shoebox with memories that were now perished and broken. Besides the photos and drawings was the small gold plush bear that he was looking for. He slowly picked it up and smile sadly at it before hugging it as tightly as he could. For the most part, it's been forever since the last time he's seen Fred bear. He couldn't help but feel the sudden peace endured by its presence. He suddenly heard some growling from outside. He couldn't help himself but to glance outside maybe it was just a loose dog. Oh, he wished that was all it was. What he saw were three horrifying skeleton monsters. He gasped as he fell back to the floor. The next minute he heard a scream or two so in instinct he hid under his bed not so he wouldn't be next. Before he could do or even say anything he heard his door open.

"Huh...did you get the 'early birds' Killer?" A hushed voice asked.

"Yeah, they should be out for a while." The other said admitting a sinister chuckle.

Chris bit his lip restricting himself from making any noise. He doesn't wish to be like the others. He didn't have to be in his case.

"Search the room. Now." The skeleton said with a hiss in his voice.

As soon as Dust said it the other two started searching the room. Chris was lucky he didn't hide in the closet. One of many of the boy's fears was the closet (Not like that). He fills it up yes but he doesn't like being inside of it. It's mostly because of his dreams and his now-dead brother locked him in there dozens of times. That alone would've ended him up with tears. He shuffled to the far back just in case curious hands of stomping feet come around him. Too bad he couldn't hide forever as he hoped it would. One of them looked under the bed and saw him almost immediately but pretended they didn't. Well for a few seconds

"Oh, boys I think I just found something...I n t e r e s t I n g!"

His soul instantly turned blue as he was dragged from under his bed against his free will. He tried to hold onto the bed only to get dragged away from it.

"Is that?-"


He was set on the floor back onto his feet only to have his arms restrained by Horror. Chris started to thrash his legs around trying to hit one of them and continued to squirm in Horror's strong grip.

"Nononono! Please! Don't hurt-"

Chris's shouts and cries were soon muffled by a cloth that was practically slapped onto him. Dust getting annoyed by him thought it would be better but it actually made it worse whenever they attempted to bound his legs. He kicked more and screamed as loud as he could with the cloth stifling his voice. When they finally had him Horror threw him over his boney shoulder.

"Kid if ya keep acting like this you'll wind up being my dinner." Horror said with a low growl.

They teleported to the car and opened the trunk and placed the boy in there.

"Sorry kid it's just business."

That's the last thing Chris heard from the hooded skeleton with the red and violet eye before the trunk closed. There was no escape now. He felt trapped and alone as visions of the same feeling as being locked in the closet causing him to whimper and shake violently trying not to cry like he always does. The drive was around twenty minutes before it came to a stop. That's when Chris froze in place as his heart skipped a few beats once the trunk opened. Killer soon came to take him out and tried to keep him still as Dust cut the rope off of his arms and legs. Chris's breathing quickened as he saw the chain. He didn't want to die in the hands of these skeletons not now not ever. Without thinking he elbowed Killer in the face and tried to run only to see Horror and Dust coming right at him from opposite sides of him. Before it was too late he ducked and ran for it. He saw the two skeletons cling heads and fall. If he weren't in danger, then he would've laughed at the sight, but he was running out of time. He ran straight into the forest that continued to get darker and darker with each step he manages to take. Chris accidentally trips over a stone and falls onto his knees scraping his right knee. He found himself in front of a giant oak tree. He was exhausted he couldn't take it. Chris was terrified at the thought of those people finding him. He was about to get up before hearing a shout from not so far away.

"Boys! He's over here!"

He shrieked and scrambled onto his feet and started running. With a racing heart and tired limbs, he managed to get to a ledge. He went to the edge of it and looked down seeing nothing but the dark waters. He was about to take another step closer before he was suddenly grabbed by his shirt collar to be forced to turn face to face with Horror.

"Where do you think you're going? S n a c k ?" Horror said looking at Chris like he was food.

"Let me go please!" He said trying to get back onto the ground.

"Well, I guess boss wouldn't mind if with him for a bit?" Dust said with a smirk.

Given the hints, that were given they wanted to torture the kid causing Chris's panic to rise even more. All three skeletons were angered by the boy. Dust giving the signal Chris was immediately shoved into a tree with a knife dangerously close to his throat.

"You made the wrong choice kid next time chose your cards wisely." Dust continued.

Chris shut his eyes tightly not wanting to see what would happen next. Suddenly Chris along with the others heard a growl from the forest.

"Can you not follow simple orders?" Nightmare said in a dangerously low voice.

Nightmare was watching from afar knew the situation that they put him in.

"Boss you said-" Dust said putting the kid down.

"I remember saying that I wanted him unharmed. Did I not?"

"Yeah, but he hurt us? Doesn't it seem fair that he gets a dose of his own medicine?"

"You're acting like children." Nightmare said sighing. "I knew that I should've gotten Glitch to do it. At least he's at least smarter than you three combined ."

The skeletons offended didn't dare to say anything to the king of nightmares.

"I'll decide your punishments later stay over there got it." He said trying to keep his cool.

They nodded and stood there confused about his sudden behavior. Nightmare could sense Chris's fear very clearly. He wasn't just scared but also confused. Nightmare went towards him only for Chris to back away from him trembling with pure fear as tears were stinging his eyes. To Chris, he already knew for sure that Nightmare can quickly end his life with one strike, without even trying.

"D-don't hurt me... P-please I'm s-sorry! P-please-" Chris says growing more fearful.

The king of course was expecting this to happen almost every one of his subjects quivered before him. In this case, that's not what he wanted him to feel but he couldn't exactly control people's emotions either. He kneeled to his level to face him eye to eye. His cold and harsh expression softened as he saw how terrified he was getting.

"'s alright my son. You're safe now. I promise there's nothing to fear."

Chris was dumbfounded by the king's response to his fear. Why was he taking pity on someone like himself? His shaking was subsided and he eased a bit. He didn't drop his guard though it was extremely tempting.

"Good, now let me see your leg."

Chris reluctantly moved his bleeding leg to him. What the king did surprise him. He healed his injured leg and picked him up from under his legs. Nightmare can't heal very well so he was lucky that it was a small wound.

"Boys, this is my son or the prince. You will treat him with respect or harsh consequences will be upon you. Am I clear?"

They nodded not uttering another word. Chris felt a bit more comfortable. He soon buried his face into the Nightmare's chest. Nightmare made a portal that leads into their base. The others went to their own rooms while Nightmare carried Chris into his new room. He saw that he was already asleep so he just tucked him in and left the room leaving Chris to sleep. He has to admit that he's always kept a sharp eye on him until now. He saw an opportunity rising so he took it while he still could.

Nightmare knew that this boy- I mean his son was destined to his throne right after himself of course.

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