Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The next day Science Sans went to check on Delilah. He tended to her wounds and noticed that her eyes might've been injured since there was a purplish bruising on them so he put some ointment around them and put some gauze on over it. It wasn't much but it was the best he could do. Delilah's breathing patterns were back to normal, her face was a bit scratched up but they would heal within an hour or two when she eats. He took off her black jacket and replaced it with a white one. There was a bit of blood on it, most likely from the stab wound. It didn't look like it was from a blade, which was strange. Sci attempted to summon her soul around twenty-five times last night. It didn't work. Now he's going to try it again. He put on his lab coat and glasses and checked up on her. He slowly lifts his hand up and attempted to summon her soul with his gravity magic again. This time it worked. 

"Oh my, very interesting."

It was a yellow silhouette with cracks on certain angles. Dream was right after all. He flinched as he heard her stir in her sleep. He put her soul back and got out his phone out to call Dream and Ink. He dialed the number and went to the other room. Leaning on the wall as it rang. Soon enough someone answered.

"Sci? Is everything ok?" Ink said on the other line.

"She's alive and well. I summoned her soul and now it's a silhouette. I think she's going to wake up soon."

"Her soul is a silhouette? Like a yellow outline of sorts?"

"Exactly! You wanna pay me a visit in a bit?"

"Sure! I'll let Dream and Blue know! Thanks."

"No problem. See you then."

Sci hung up the phone and went to the fridge to find something for Delilah and himself. He got a bottle of Ketchup and some cup noodles for Delilah. It wasn't much of a healing item since it heals a little bit, but it's enough to make the scratches on her face go away. The bruises around her eyes were just going to have to fade off in around a week or so so the bandages will have to be replaced soon so they won't get old and gross. As soon as the noodles were cooked he heard shuffling in the other room along with sounds of panic.

"W-what? Where am I? Why can't I see?"

He grabbed the noodles out of the microwave as well as a fork, since he didn't know if she knew how to use chopsticks. When Sci entered the room he saw her picking at the bandages on her face.

"I wouldn't pick at those Delilah. Your eyes have some sort of bruising around them. I wouldn't say that you've gone blind but I don't really know yet."

"Sci? What am I doing here? I thought I was in Underfell."

"First eat this so those nasty scratches can heal up."

"Are these cup noodles?"

"Yeah, you want chopsticks or a fork?"

"Fork. I don't think chopsticks are useful right now since I can't see right now." 

"Alright there you go. Need some water?"

"Yes please."

Science went over to his desk and grabbed a water bottle out of the case of them. He grabbed some headache medicine imagining her having a headache after whatever happened to her. He came back and placed the two pills on the desk and handed Delilah the bottle. He pulled up a chair next to her bed and sat in it.

"How are ya feeling, kid?"

"I don't know. My head hurts like hell and I feel like my soul has just been ripped out of my body."

"I see." He noticed that she was finished with her food as she attempted to hand him the empty cup only going in the opposite direction. He leaned over and grabbed the cup not wanting to correct her. He placed the cup on the ground and saw that the scratches became light scars. Barely noticeable now. He handed her the pills and the water bottle that's already opened for her. She took the pills as they slid down her throat. She took another drink and handed the bottle to him.

"Now that we got that out of the way, how did this ever happen to you in the first place?"

"Well, the last thing I remember was stealing my first kiss from my attacker. Then I was stabbed by something behind me. I couldn't see what it was because I blacked out afterward."

"Who was it that you kissed?"

"An old friend of mine. I don't think I can consider him as much of a friend anymore can I?" Delilah said with a sad laugh. "Isn't it funny? How my crush let me kiss him as my dying wish?"

"Tch, it's alright kid. I think I know who you're talking about. No need to get emotional on me. Ya pals will be here soon, so I suggest you take it easy and try to rest some more."

" say so," Delilah said yawning in between her words.

After that, he grabbed the chair and left the room making the two cups float with his blue magic. Why have more hands when you can manipulate objects so they can float? He could hear her light snoring from the other side of the wall. Science sighed softly as he put the chair back at his desk and threw away the cups seeming that they're both disposable. He went back to work having to deal with Mettaton's 'New form' for his upcoming show.

"Who were you talking to Sans?"

"Hm? Oh, it's just Delilah the human Dream, Ink and Blue take care of."

"You never mentioned she was human! Maybe we can-"

"Don't get too excited Alph. Her soul isn't the same as it once was besides she has a yellow soul and we already have one. Besides, Ink would fucking kill me if I let anyone here tries to kill her. Again."

"What do you mean by again?"

"She was attacked by an 'old friend' of hers. I have a feeling that the old friend regrets it." Science states mumbling the last part.

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