Chapter 51 ~ Official

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I wake up in a ball next to Josh, light was pouring in through the window and I wince, rolling away and picking my phone up off the nightstand in the guest room. My lock screen is completely overwhelmed, I try to scroll through the notifications but there's so many I don't even reach the bottom of the long list.

Likes, comments, Snapchats, texts, even phone calls. Why were people so intent on finding out what was going on in my life? Sure, I wanted to be out with Josh, for us not to hide and for him to know that I was proud of him. But I don't regret nobody knowing, it was almost nice not to have everyone all in my business. 

I wanted to be in my own bed, or in my shower better yet. Then put on a clean set of comfy clothes and take a Tylenol. It wasn't a bad hangover, I was just tired and I had a wicked headache. 

Suddenly I feel a hand on my hip and I smile seeing Josh behind me. "Hey baby." He whispers, running his hand over my back and I smile, rolling back towards him and snuggling into his side.

"Good morning." I mumble and he chuckles. 

"Sleep alright?" He asks and I nod. "How do you feel?" He asks instead and I groan.

"I need to take a shower." I tell him and he nods. "I feel gross and tired." 

"Ditto." He says and I smile. "I'll bring you home so you can have the day to recover-"

"Not yet." I insist, wrapping one of my legs around him as well. "Just a bit longer like this."

"Okay." He says and I smile. My phone vibrates yet again and I sigh, hearing the distinct pattern to tell me someone was calling. I groan and reach for it, seeing Julia's name on the screen.

"Hello." I mumble.

"Heather, how long has this been a thing?" She asks excitedly. "This is such a good picture, you two are so cute."

"Thanks." I laugh. "For a bit, we've been talking and hanging out forever........but now we're really together." I admit and Josh laughs from beside me in bed.

"Really?!" She asks excitedly. 

"Really." I tell her, knowing I had a guilty smile on my face.

"Oh Heather, I'm happy for you." She insists. "You deserve a good guy, Josh likes you, I can tell." She tells me and I smile.

"Good, because I like him too." I say and I hear Julia laugh a bit. 

"Well we'll have to work him into our social calendar, make sure he's included when we all hangout and everything." She insists and I cringe, realizing that I had nothing but time on my hands now. I couldn't just hide away with Josh anymore and I highly doubted he'd want to loyally follow me out all the time.

"We'll see." I tell her, putting my hand on Josh's shoulder, insuring him that I didn't want that for him and I. "Not that I don't love talking, but I'm so dead after last night. We'll catch up at school on Monday."

"Can I tell anyone?" She asks and I roll my eyes.

"Tell whoever you want." I laugh and she claps on the other end. "I'll see you later." I tell her.

"Bye Heather!" She sings, hanging up the phone. I toss it back on the nightstand and slide back in with Josh who gladly wraps his arms around me again.

"I'm a good guy, huh?" He asks and I laugh.

"I think you are." I whisper. "Unless there's something you're not telling me." I tease and he laughs, shrugging his shoulders. "I want good." I promise him and he smiles, pressing his lips to my forehead.

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