Chapter 4 ~ The Call-Back

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There's nothing quite like the start of a show, everyone's always so excited and ready to work. Usually that steam burns out somewhere around the halfway mark, but I was excited nonetheless. Today was the first day of call-backs, sure to be a busy day. In the end we only ended up with about seven boys, which was the bare amount needed to run the show.

We needed a few more really, even if it was just for background acting or a swing incase someone got hurt. I was just hoping Miss Young would keep Mandy away from me this year, ever since the first day of school, she's tried to reach out to me in any way possible. She asked if I'd audition with her, but I shot her down. If we ended up getting cast together I'd absolutely lose my mind.

The auditorium was buzzing with people, stretching getting ready for their call-backs. All of the boys had been called back so Miss Young could fit them in the role best for them. Then about six girls were called back for Sandy, Rizzo, Frenchie and so-on. These days were really best for cast bonding, before the ensemble came in and made everything overwhelming. 

I warm up quietly on my own, reading through my lines and songs quietly. I knew I'd have to act with Mandy before the day was over, I just had to hope someone was better than her. People start to gather on the stage and I join them as the lights begin to turn on.

"Alright everyone!" I hear Miss Young's voice coming in through the doors. "Before we get started I have a quick announcement!" She walks up onto the stage and I nearly can't believe what I'm seeing. Following her is Heather, script in hand. Tennis skirt, t-shirt and sneakers, she was ready to work.

"This is Heather." Miss Young says, holding her shoulders. "Heather didn't audition with us last week, but she came to see me and I think she has real talent that we could benefit from." She says and the small circle breaks out into mumbles and whispers. "I know this isn't the way we normally do things but please be kind to Heather and treat her the way you do everyone else." Heather smiles, trying to cover the awkward announcement with a wave.

Owen shoves me and I nearly stumble over. There was no way this could be happening, no way she was back around me again. I was excited to see her like this again, when it came to music Heather was really in her element. 

But she looks uncomfortable, this isn't her scene and she doesn't know anyone. I couldn't imagine how strange it must feel. But in true Heather fashion she compliments the shoes of the freshman standing next to her and they settle into an easy conversation.

"Are you kidding me?" Mandy asks angrily, standing beside me. "Since when to random people get call-backs? That's not fair at all." She huffs and I roll my eyes. I didn't want anyone to scare her off before she really settled into it properly and gave it a shot.

"You heard Miss Young, be nice." I mumble and she scoffs.

"Just because she's Heather Sanders doesn't make her worthy of a call-back, I bet she can't even sing." She says and I roll my eyes. I knew she could, I couldn't wait for her to blow Mandy out of the water and prove to everyone that she could do this. She fidgets awkwardly, looking for someone to talk to or somewhere to go. I decide to be bold, see if I could talk to her for a moment.

"So, took me up on my offer after all?" I ask, surprising myself with my level of confidence. Her eyes shoot up from the ground suddenly and she smiles. The whole world could stop when she smiled.

"Well sort of." She sighs. "Miss Young caught me singing in the bathroom two weeks ago. She insisted I come to call-backs. I'm not to sure about it, seems a little-"

"I know it can be intimidating." I tell her and she gives me this almost relieved smile.

"Just a little." She mumbles. "I've never done this before."

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