Chapter 6 ~ The Cold-Read

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"So Josh, big day, big day." Owen says clapping my shoulder. "First day as Danny Zuko, how does it feel?" He asks and I shrug. 

It was pretty exciting, this would be a fun show. Way more fun if every time I was anywhere near Heather's boyfriend he didn't look like he wanted to strangle me. The list had been posted for almost a week now, it was the following Monday, the first rehearsal for the show.

"Are you about ready to pass-out knowing Sandy is Heather?" He asks and I shove him.

"No." I mumble, walking in the doors of the auditorium. 

I was almost surprised to see Heather listed. I figured after how her boyfriend reacted she'd be pulling out, but I guess she was still in it for the long haul. Heather was popular amongst the student body in general, they all wanted to be her friend and she was really kind to everyone. She was well received and everyone seemed to like the fact that she'd joined the cast. 

The only person that seemed pissed was of course Mandy. She was livid after the cast list went out and she wasn't cast as Sandy. I just avoided that tornado as best as I could. 

Owen and I walk into the auditorium. I walk up to Miss Young to say hello but immediately pause seeing who's at the table.

"-What more could I have done Miss Young?" Mandy asks angrily. "I've been in the musical every year and miss perfect blonde Heather walks in and you immediately give her the lead?!"

"Mandy, for the last time. I appreciate your dedication here, you've done great work and you're certainly talented. But I need to put everyone into the best roles for them. Heather happened to be just what I was looking for."

"And I'm not?" She asks.

"I cast you as Rizzo, that's the one of the biggest roles in the show!" Miss Young says. "Mandy, I want you here and put you in this role because your stage presence is much more fitting for her. You've got solos and lots of stage time, what more do you want?" She asks incredulously. "Like it or not, I've made my decision. Heather Sanders, is a wonderful addition to our cast."

"Heather Sanders is a slut!" She bursts out and I feel my eyes nearly pop out of my head.

"That's quite enough." Miss Young snaps. "Another outburst like that Mandy, and you'll be in the ensemble. Our cast works together and I suggest you get with the program. I'm not warning you again."

Mandy huffs and walks off, back towards the stage. I walk up to the table and Miss Young gives me a grateful smile.

"Hey Miss Y." I tell her and she smiles. "Is she giving you trouble?" I ask and she chuckles.

"Just the usual amount." She laughs and I join her. "Can you do me a favour and look out for Heather today? She seems to relax a lot around you and I don't want her to be overwhelmed."

"S-sure." I mumble and she smiles.

"Perfect, we'll be gathering on the stage in a few minutes." She tells me and I smile.

"Hi Miss Young!" I hear and I turn to see Heather coming into the auditorium. Behind her walk in about five or six guys. All athletes from different teams around the school. I furrow my eyebrows wondering what she had planned.

"Heather, what's this?" She asks and Heather smiles.

"Well, I remembered you saying you needed some boys." She says with a smile. "I talked to Principal Jones and he struck me a deal, these boys need grade raises to compete in their sports this spring, he said he'd give them extra credit if they joined an extracurricular." She tells her excitedly, clapping her hands together. "This is Jason, Liam, Trevor, Noah and Hector. They play on some of the sports teams."

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