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I slowly opened my eyes and immediately, I spotted y/n. She was laying on the floor unconscious. I scrambled to my feet and tried to run towards her but my arms were suddenly yanked back. I realized that there were chains around my wrists that prevented me from going too far. I turned back to y/n and called out her name.

"Y/n! Y/n wake up, please." I whispered loudly.

She twitched before sitting straight up and her eyes frantically darted around the room. I could see the panic written all over her face as she started breathing heavily.

"Y/n it's okay! Take a deep breath!" I soothed her.

She slowly came to her senses again as her eyes landed on mine.

"Peter?" She asked through a cry.

"It's me." I assured her.

She crawled over to me and sat against the wall. My chains were long enough that I could comfortably sit beside her on the floor. I scanned her body with my eyes but didn't see any signs of torture. There was a long, jagged scratch that started from the back of her shoulder and ran down until it disappeared under her shirt, but that was it. I glanced at her eyes and saw a haunted look in them as she stared off into the distance.

"How long have we been here?"

"Three or four days I think?" She whispered.

"Y/n?......what happened?" I asked softly and gently so I wouldn't scare her. I didn't know how she would react to anything at this point.

"I um... I met the boss. It's not anyone I recognize. I learned the name of the younger guy, Seth. The boss he um...... he wanted me to use my powers."

"He took the bracelet off?" I asked confused.

She nodded softly in response. "When I tried to hurt him with my powers......I made him bleed, and that's not something he just let me get away with." She whispered as her gaze started to look cloudy again.

"Y/n, it's okay, I'm here now. I'll protect you."

"He hung me from the ceiling and um, he... he whipped me over and over and over and didn't stop until I was dripping with blood. Then Victor, he healed me just for the other man to whip me all over again and again and again."

"I'm so sorry y/n." I exclaimed as I hugged her tightly. I let go immediately when I heard her grunt in pain and flinch away slightly. "Y/n? Are you okay?"

She nodded yes but kept her jaw clenched in pain.

"What's wrong, you can tell me!"

She shook her head as I tried to get her to tell me what happened.

"Y/n..... show me your stomach." I demanded lightly.

"No." She replied as she wrapped an arm around her stomach protectively.

"Y/n.... let me see."

She had a few tears rolling down her face as she put her hands on either side of her legs. I carefully and slowly lifted her shirt up just enough to see her stomach and the sight made me want to rip the heads off anyone who dared to touch her. Her stomach was littered with jagged scars, some old and some extremely fresh.

"Oh my god, y/n." I gasped softly.

She move away from the wall and put her back to me. I hesitated for a second before I slowly lifted her shirt up slightly, exposing her back. It was really bad, her skin was all torn up and dried blood painted her back.

"Y/n....." I whispered softly.

"It doesn't hurt that bad." She lied quietly.

I was about to say something when the door opened and the guy named Seth walked in.

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