How many

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All the jackasses were down after some time and I looked around at the team. Everyone looked a little bruised, but other than that, everyone was fine.

"Where are the kids?!" I shouted when I noticed they weren't back from the ship yet.

"Tony they're both 21." Natasha raised an eyebrow.

"They're not back from the ship yet, that should have only taken a few minutes!" I worried.

"Tony relax, they're around here somewhere, they probably got lost on the ship, their sense of direction is horrible." Natasha said.

"Yeah but t-." I was cut off suddenly by the sound of Peter shouting.

"Mr. Stark!!!" Peter screamed.

I looked around for the kid until my eyes landed on his figure on the other side of the dock.....he was holding someone in his arms. Even though I couldn't see them clearly, I knew immediately that it was my daughter he was carrying.

"Peter what the hell happened?!" I shouted as I ran towards him and my heart sank when I realized they were both soaking wet and bloody.

"T-there was a, a boy and, and he h-held her by the thro-throat and c-cut her and s-she fell into t-the water! I-I jumped in after her and pulled h-her to the s-shore but she wasn't, she, she
w-wasn't breathing! Please, you have, you have to help her!" Peter stuttered in between cries.

I carefully took y/n out of Peter's arms and quickly brought her to the jet while trying not to show how scared and worried I was for the kid's sake.

Y/n was finally stable and we were all just waiting for her to wake up now. I felt horrible for Parker, y/n was his best friend and to witness everything she went through in HYDRA and now this... My heart broke at the sight of him clinging to the girl in his arms. He was a mess, when Tony took y/n to the jet, the kid just broke down. He was crying and mumbling nonsense and begging us not to let her die. He keep repeating that he couldn't lose her and that he needed her. Once I finally got him to calm down, he told me everything, the boy with the same powers as y/n, the dark water, how her chest stopped moving, her limp body as he pulled her out of the water, and how he carried her over to us.

I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was the bright light shining down on my face. I groaned in pain, my head felt like it had exploded, my arms and legs were extremely sore, my throat burned, and everything hurt. For an after life, this was pretty shitty.

Memories rushed through my mind mere seconds after I woke up and I remembered the water. I remembered the terror I felt as I fell into the cold, black, water. The dark waves pushing me under as I tried to fight back, I had struggled violently against the water that was dragging me down to the darkest depths. I remembered the strong, excruciating need for air but it never came...

I blinked a few times, trying to clear the tears forming in my eyes and realized I wasn't dead. I squinted my red eyes to find a bright light above me. I didn't like how it was shining in my eyes, so I pointed my hand at it and the light burned out immediately. I could hear a few voices arguing outside of the room but couldn't place their names. I tried to sit up but immediately regretted it when a sharp pain shot throughout my abdomen. My eyes drifted down to my stomach and I cursed silently when I saw it was wrapped in bandages. I realized I was hooked up to a handful of different machines that were beeping annoyingly. I ripped out the needle that was taped to my arm along with the weird little suction cup things on my chest. I threw the little clip that was on my finger to the side, and immediately, the machines started blaring. Not even a second later, three people came rushing into the room and I recognized them immediately; my dad, Nat, and Pete.

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