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I tried to keep track of how long me and y/n have been in this hell hole, but I lost track at some point. I think it has been about a month since we got kidnapped. We might have been here for longer, I'm not exactly sure. All I know is that every day, I wake up to y/n's screams for help. Every cry for help, every scream of pain, every plead to stop, it slowly kills me on the inside. It breaks a part of me. One day, the screams just stopped, no more cries for help, no more screams of pain, no more pleads to stop. I hoped to god she was still alive. No matter how hard I tried to convince myself that maybe she just stopped feeling it, maybe they just took a break from hurting her, maybe she escaped..... my mind always wandered to the voice that I tried so desperately to ignore. The voice that told me she was dead.

I was put in a cell near y/n's room where they tortured her, probably because they wanted to make sure I could hear her screams. But after the screams stopped, I wasn't even sure if she was still in the same base as me. No one came to torture me, hearing y/n's screams and cries was torture enough. When someone did come to my cell, it was to drop off food. The food in question looked and tasted disgusting, but I was starving. There was nothing in the cell with me, the only comfort I had was the cold, stone, floor. I sat against the wall as I chewed what appeared to be a roll of bread. I was just about to take a sip of dirty water, when a guard I have never seen before, opened my cell.

"Get up." The guard demanded in a gruff voice.

"Why?" I asked while narrowing my eyes at the man.

"You and the witch are being relocated."

I was surprised he actually answered me when his words started to really sink in... y/n's alive!

"Where are we going?" I tried to ask calmly.

"You better stop asking so many questions and get up off your ass before I do something you won't like." The man threatened.

I stumbled a bit as I stood up quickly. I was just glad I would be able to see y/n again.

The man grabbed my arm and walked me down a series of hallways, but I wasn't paying attention. I was too busy being deep in my own thoughts. Part of me didn't want to see her for the fear of what horrors would be done to her. I didn't want to see all the marks left on her body, but I knew I needed to see her anyway. I needed to hold her and tell her everything's going to be fine, I need her to know that I'll be there for her... even if I'm not actually with her. I need to tell her that she's strong and that she'll get through this. I had an idea of what she's been thinking and feeling these past weeks. There was time when I was at rock bottom and thought awful things about myself, y/n was the one who put me back together. I would be damned if I let her give up now. If she died.... I don't know if I could continue breathing without her next to me. I couldn't bare the thought of not being able to see her adorable smile again. That smile could light up a whole room. I don't think I could go without hearing her laughter, that laugh that was so contagious even when I was in a bad place, she made me smile. I think I would die if I couldn't feel her embrace anymore. Her hugs always managed to put my thoughts at ease, they always warmed my heart no matter what. When we hugged I always wondered what it would feel like to hug her if she was mine. Would she kiss me softly before putting her head in neck? Or would she stare into my eyes and smile softly while we held each other?

"Ow!" I exclaimed when someone suddenly smacked me over the head hard.

"Now he's paying attention." The guard who was holding my arm said.

"Excellent..." The other man exclaimed while clapping his hands together, "Now listen up boy. So every time we try to move her she freaks out and goes, while crazy." He gestured to a guard behind him.

I turned my gaze to the man he waved his hand at, and my eyes widened in slight shock. The man had four bloody scratches going down his face. They started from his forehead, over his eye, and stopped on his cheek.

"Crazy?! She's fucking psycho! She bit off my damn finger!" Another guard complained while holding up a hand that was wrapped in a blood stained white cloth.

If I wasn't so shocked, I probably would've punched him in the face.

"Calm her." The boss commanded me.

I took a deep breath before slowly walking into the room that held y/n. I carefully and slowly walked around the table so that she could she me, and I could see her. I almost broke down right there and then, she looked so weak and broken. Her eyes were closed, but she wasn't sleeping. Even though she wasn't strapped down, she made no move to get off the table. She was no longer wearing her clothes, the only thing covering her, was a pair of panties and a bra. Her hair was filthy and messy like mine. She was covered in blood, some spots were dry and brownish staining her skin, some spots looked reddish still, some spots looked fresh. There was a extremely fresh cut on her chest and thigh. The cuts were still oozing blood as it dripped onto the floor. It was obvious which tools they used on her, because most of the tools hanging on the wall, were soaked in dry and fresh blood. Burn marks scattered across her body, mostly on her chest, stomach, arms, but there was a small mark that was right before her neck. There was a deep hole in her shoulder, lower stomach, and thigh. I'm guessing it was from the screwdrivers hanging on the wall. A few of her fingers were bent at an unnatural angle, they were bruised and bloody. My heart broke when I saw the bloody hammer on the small cart next to her. Deep jagged cuts littered her body, there were already a few that were healing. Judging by how some of them looked, the men had probably continued to cut her over and over in the same spot every time it healed. I closed my eyes as tears started to run down my face. I opened my eyes slowly and brought my gaze up to her face. The first thing I noticed was the huge gash on the side of her face.

I think she noticed that someone was in the room with her because her eyes shot wide open and she had a deadly look on her face like she was ready to attack. When her eyes landed on me, they softened slightly, like she didn't believe that I was really here.

"Peter?" She asked weakly.

"Yeah it's me," she started crying, "Hey it's okay y/n, I'm here now. I'm so sorry you had to go through this." I was full on crying now. I killed me to see her like this.

"Pete-." Y/n started but stopped immediately when a man entered the room, "GET AWAY FROM ME!" She screeched as the man came towards her.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" I screamed as another man grabbed me from behind and held me back.

I watched helplessly as the other man stuck a needle into y/n's arm and her eyes closed immediately.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" I screamed before I felt the familiar feeling of a needle going into my own arm...

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