I love you

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"Okay so I've been doing some reading, and I think I figured it out." Bruce said as he held the little red book in his hands.

"So, how many lives do I have?" Y/n asked.

"Well, the first time you died, the book said it took you 2 minutes to come back. The second time it took you 4 minutes to revive yourself. Hold on let me find the page..... here we go. It says it takes you an extra two minutes to come back every time you die."

"Ok so how long did it take me to come back from drowning?" Y/n asked casually.


"You don't know do you." Y/n sighed.

"No." I confessed.

"Okay then, someone shoot me." She said as she put her arms out.

"Excuse me?!" I shouted.

"Someone shoot me, then time me." She repeated.

"No one is gonna fucking shoot you?!" Mr. Stark exclaimed horrified.

"Why not, I'll come back?!" Y/n argued.

"Are you seriously arguing with me right now?! You're asking someone to shoot you!" Mr. Stark replied back.

"Yeah so?" Y/n shrugged her shoulders as Mr. Stark continued to stare at her like she was from another planet.

"Peter please take her upstairs and tie her up so she doesn't kill herself." Mr. Stark said as he put his hand over his face.

"Dad I'm not suicidal!" Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Why don't we just go upstairs." I suggested as I put my hands on y/n's shoulders and directed her towards the stairs. Once we were back in her room I locked the door and turned to face her.

"Why'd you lock the door Parker?" Y/n smirked as I came closer to her.

"Y/n, I need to tell you something." I hesitated.

"Okay." She said slowly as she sat on her bed.

"I... on the beach, I thought I lost you and, and it almost broke me. I didn't think I could live without and I thought I'd never get the chance to tell you..."

"Tell me what?" She asked as I sat on the bed beside her.

"That um...that I've loved you since the moment we first met and I know it's not fair to you for me to confess this just a few months after Loki left but...I love you y/n."

"Peter..." She whispered, "I love you."

"Really!?" I asked happily.

"Of course you idiot!" She smiled as she kissed me softly.

I kissed Peter softly as I slowly maneuvered myself on top of him. I sat on his lap with my legs on either side of him, as he held my face in his hands and leaned into the kiss. His hands moved to my waist as they slowly slipped under my shirt. His smooth hands ran up and down my skin, causing goosebumps to breakout on my bare flesh. I felt his hands hesitate as they reached my black bra. His lips left mine as he pulled back at stared at me, silently asking for permission. I nodded my head and gave him a reassuring smile as he slowly undid the clasp. I slipped my shirt over my head before completely removing my bra. He began to massage my breasts in his hands before slowly bringing his head down and trapping one of my buds in his warm, wet mouth. I bite my lip to keep from moaning as his tongue swirled around my sensitive little bud. I reached in between us and fumbled with his jeans until I finally managed to unbutton them. I climbed off his lap and stepped out of my own pants as he did the same. We were both left in our underwear as his eyes raked over my body. I smiled as he quickly walked over to me and brought me in for another kiss as he grabbed my waist. He carefully picked me up and we didn't break away from the kiss as I wrapped my legs around him. I snaked my arms around his neck and lightly pulled on his hair, eliciting a small groan from him. He walked us over to the bed and gently laid me down on it as he leaned over me. We continued to kiss as his fingers traveled down my body and looped underneath the top of my underwear before pulling them down. He began to rub circles on my clit and I couldn't stop the loud moan that fell from my lips as I bucked my hips against him. He kissed my inner thigh before licking a stripe up my clit. I moaned even louder as Peter used his other hand to hold my hips down as he began to quicken his pace. His finger pumping into me slowly.

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