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"Y/N!" Tony shouted.

Oh shit, he knows.

"Yeah dad?" I tried to make my voice sound innocent but I'm pretty sure he saw right through me.

"Sweetheart, why does one of my iron man suits have the power turned on?" Tony asked frighteningly calm.

I thought I turned it off. I'm so screwed.

"I don't know. Maybe you should ask Peter." Yup, I'm dead.

"What have I told you about wearing my suits!!!" Tony shouted.

"To not wear them." I mumbled annoyed.

"I just don't want you to get hurt." Tony said as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I was being careful!"

"I don't care if you were being careful, if I see one of my suits were messed with again, I will ground you until you're 30!" Tony threatened.

I turned on my heel and stomped up to my room and slammed the door.

"This is bullshit! I have fucking powers and I still can't do anything! This is so boring!!!" I fell onto my bed and grabbed my phone. I scrolled through the contacts until I found his.


"Hey Peter."

"Hey, what's up?"

"Where are you?"

"Are you calling me from inside the compound?" I heard him say with amusement.

"Maybe, this place is freaking huge!"

Peter laughed, "I'm in the training room, you want to practice?"

"Sure, I'll be down in a second." I hung up the phone and changed into more appropriate clothing for training and headed downstairs.

Peter looked up from his phone, "New outfit?"

"Yeah, Natasha got it for me."

"That sounds about right..." He said laughing "...So did you get busted?"

"Yeah big time. He said if I tried to take one on another ride, that he'd ground me until I'm thirty."


"He acts like I'm some helpless child! I have powers, I train well, but I'm still not allowed to go on missions!"

"He just doesn't want you to get hurt."

"No offense Peter, you're my best friend, but please shut the hell up. You go on missions all the time! Which is so not fair by the way."

"I only get to go on the small missions, I mean they're barely missions." Peter argued.

"You still get to go on them though."

Suddenly the red light flashed signaling that the avengers are needed.

"I guess we better go upstairs."

"Dad? What's going on?!"

He was talking with Steve, Nat, Bruce, Clint, and Thor.

"My brother is here on Midgard causing chaos." Thor told me.

"Your brother Loki?!"

"Y/n you need to stay here understand?" Tony told me but I wasn't having it, not today.

"No, I want to come with! I've trained with Natasha many times and I have powers! I can help!"

"Little warrior it's too dangerous." Thor said.

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