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It felt weird to be back here, back home. Nothing changed, it looks exactly how I remembered it. I noticed a few things that I didn't really pay attention to before, like how the living room had many windows that allowed the sun to bath the room in a soft, warm, glow. I never really noticed before because it was a small thing that happened every day. But after being kept in the dark for so long, the comforting rays of light felt like a special reward. The house was probably warm and comforting, but to me it felt strange. I was so use to the coldness of my room, the natural chill of the cells, that I forgot what it felt like to have warmth.

I could feel several pairs of eyes on me as I slowly took in the familiar surroundings, but didn't pay attention to them. While I was exploring the house, I realized I smelt horrible, I probably looked even worse.

"Um, I'm gonna go take a shower... if that's okay?" I mumbled softly.

"Of course sweetheart, we'll be down here okay, holler if you need help or anything." My dad replied.

I gave him a weak smile before heading to my room. When I got there, I felt out of place. I was covered in dried blood, dirt, sweat, tears, and filth. I was standing in the middle of a room that was once mine, but felt like a strangers bedroom now. I felt like I didn't belong in the clean, bright, comforting room.

I walked over to my closet and picked out a huge sweatshirt along with comfortable sweatpants. I went into my bathroom and set my clothes on the counter, and turned the shower on. I stared at myself in the mirror for a long time. I could barely recognize myself with all the cuts and bruises. My hair was really gross, it was raggedy, greasy, filthy, and just a complete mess. I looked like a skeleton with my hollow cheeks, dark eyes, and my thin body. The food I was given didn't come very often, when it did though, it wasn't very much. Through my thin stomach, I could see my ribs.

I turned away from the mirror and stepped into the stream of hot water. It felt like fucking heaven, the stream of hot water hitting my back and running down my thin body as the steam surrounded me. I watched as the dried blood and dirt disappeared into the drain. I grabbed my shampoo and lathered a generous amount into my hair. My hands massaged the soapy foam into my hair and it felt amazing. I closed my eyes and stepped back into the stream of water. Once I was sure I got all the shampoo out, I slowly opened my eyes to see the bath caked in blood. My breathing became heavy as I brought my shaky hands up to my face... they were dripping with dark crimson blood. I stumbled and fell into the blood soaked bath. Flashes of horrible memories came running through my mind at a lightning speed and I started screaming.

I helped y/n walk into the house as she leaned against me. Her eyes scanned the room slowly like she was seeing it for the first time. I glanced at Stark and saw the concern and guilt etched onto his face. I felt bad for the metal man, y/n was his daughter after all.

"Um, I'm gonna go take a shower... if that's okay?" Y/n mumbled softly.

"Of course sweetheart, we'll be down here okay, holler if you need help or anything." Tony replied.

I watched as she stumbled a bit going up the stairs, I was ready to be at her side in a flash if she tripped. Once she was safely upstairs, I turned to the rest of the team.

"What are we gonna do?" Peter asked.

"She needs to eat something, did you see how thin she was?" Natasha said.

"Peter, what happened?" Steve asked.

"......We were outside...talking, and then we were both shot in the neck with darts."

I looked at Peter wondering why he paused for a split second.

"Then we both woke up tied to chairs and a man walked into the room and I asked him what he wanted from us."

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