Don't Do It Please!

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My vision was blurry when I finally opened my eyes. I pulled myself up into a sitting position against the cold wall- I'm not strapped down to the table? I looked around the dark room and realized it wasn't a room, it was a cell. They must have given me a break or something... wait, I saw Peter! I remember seeing Peter! Unless it was just a dream, or a hallucination. I had quite a lot of those lately, hallucinations of my family saving me. Then I would be ripped back to the cruel reality that I was still here, being tortured.


I looked around for the owner of the voice when my eyes landed on him, Peter. He was outside my cell and he looked perfectly healthy.

"Are you real?" I asked weakly.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" He replied confused.

"You... you look fine." I said quietly.

"Come on, I'm gonna get you out of here." He opened my cell and offered a hand.

I smiled weakly before taking his hand and letting him pull me to my feet. I hugged him tightly even though it hurt, but I didn't care about my cuts and bruises.

"I missed you!" I cried as I held onto him.

"I know, I missed you too... now, let's go."

"Where?" I asked.

"Home." He smiled.

"She won't respond to anything, I think she's retreated into her mind." A guard said.

"Well try harder." Another answered.

"What else am I supposed to do?"

"Shock her."

"AHHHHH!" I screamed in pain as shock waves rippled throughout my sore body. I realized I was still in my cell as the shocks slowed.

I saw three guards standing outside my cell watching me like I was a zoo animal on display for their entertainment. I let my head fall to the ground as I realized I wasn't going to see my family again. And just like that, the flame inside me was extinguished. I had no more hope left inside me, no more of that will to live.

The men opened my cell, but I didn't care, two of them grabbed my arms and dragged me onto my feet.

"Look at me." The other man demanded.

I kept my head down, my eyes glued to the floor.

"Look at me." The man growled as he gripped my jaw forcing my head up, "You're in a new base, since you tried to escape the other one. And unfortunately for you, we're not as nice as the others. Now, I heard that they were having some trouble trying to persuade you to use those pesky powers of yours. So, we're just going to have to motivate you."

I payed no attention to his words as the men started dragging me through halls until we reached a room. They threw me in and left me with the man who was speaking earlier.

"Now, I'm sure you don't remember, but before you arrived here, you were given a serum. The serum made you pass out, but we also had a special little mixture in there just for you. When you're done with your..... transformation, we'll start the process." He left the room and the door closed and locked with a loud click.

"Wait! What transforma- AHHHHH!" I curled in on myself while clutching my stomach. It felt like I was on fire and every bone in my body was being broken. I couldn't stop the river of tears streaming down my face.

I woke up to the sound of y/n's screams and it broke my heart. I was chained to the wall and the only thing in the room with me, was a small tv in front of me. It flickered to life as y/n's screams started. The screen showed an empty room, no windows, no table, no tools, no nothing except for the huge metal door. Y/n was curled up on the floor clutching her stomach as she screamed in agony. There were tears cascading down her face like a waterfall. I noticed that all the wounds and injuries I saw on her earlier, were healed. Well, there were a few cuts and bruises on her body, but they weren't anything serious.

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