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It was almost 2 weeks after Bucky had left me. I was still heartbroken, yeah, but Loki was a really good friend to me. Last week Tony gave Loki a real room that was on the same floor as mine cause I think he noticed that me and Loki were becoming friends. I could tell the idea of us being friends didn't exactly thrill my dad but he was still nice about it... sometimes.

Loki didn't have to be in a cell anymore since he was 'behaving' as my dad put it. I hung out with Peter a lot and I tried to get Loki to hang with us, but he never wanted to hang out with the other members of the team. No matter how much I begged him he just wouldn't go for it.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Peter asked as he walked into my room.

Loki was in my bed and we were already watching a movie.

"You can join us if you want?" I told Peter.

"Um that's ok, I'll see you later."

"Okay then."

He left and Loki started chuckling.


"Seriously?" Loki asked me.


"You guys are so awkward all the time!"

"No we're not!"

"Yes you are!"

"No we're not!" I said as I hit Loki with a pillow.

"So what did you think?" I asked Loki when the movie was over.

"It reminds me of Asgard and Midgard."


"Because they have wizards and muggles."

I laughed at him and he hit me with a pillow too.

"Guys we have a mission." I heard my dad say as me and Loki came downstairs.

"What kinda mission?"

"Some fucking idiots are attacking New York." Natasha said as she walked into the room with her suit on.

"Seriously Nat!" Steve exclaimed horrified.

"What?" Nat asked.

I laughed while Steve gave her a look.

I magicked my new suit on. My dad made it for me with the help of Natasha. Tony is an amazing dad but he has no freaking clue when it comes to girls. 

My suit was kinda like Nat's but more my style. It consisted of skin tight black pants and a black tank top. I had a crimson colored leather jacket that fitted perfectly. I had matching red boot heel type shoes and there were many slots in the suit for all my knifes and daggers. I had my dark hair up in a high ponytail and I'm not gonna lie, I looked hot wearing my suit.

These guys were no idiots. They fought really well. I was busy fighting my own guy when he sliced my side pretty deep. I hissed in pain and looked down. There was a huge slash in my brand new suit/shirt!

"You dick! I loved this shirt!" I shouted as I sent him flying into a building with my magic.

I ran at him, punched and kicked him and when he tried to hit me back, I blocked his attempts with moves that Nat had taught me. I finally knocked him unconscious with one final blow to the head.

My side was hurting bad, I looked down and saw that it was oozing crimson red blood.

"Damnit, this is gonna be a bitch to sew up."

As everyone slowly gathered up once they finished fighting the jackasses, they saw my side oozing blood.

"What the hell happened!? Are you okay, does it hurt, do you feel like your going to pass out, do-."

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