five ; Harry Potter

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part 1

There's something about studying Charms with the Gryffindorks pains me. And as a Slytherin, I often notice my mind flying in the middle of the discussion. You can't really blame me, you know, sharing a class with the lions are boring, or maybe it's the Slytherin pride in me who's talking. But who fucking cares, right? I certainly don't.

Other than that, I always notice this four-eyed forest green eyes staring at me from time to time. His scar on his forehead pops every time he avoids my glaze whenever I caught him starring, and to be honest it's kind of cute seeing him blushing and getting fidgety. Who can blame me? I like the attention.

I felt a nudge on my arm, then I looked over and saw Blaise Zabini starring at me with a cheeky smile while he wiggles his thick eyebrows at me. He looks like a dumb puppy.

"What?" I asked nonchalantly.

His cheeky smile never faded, "Why don't you take a picture of him? I can see your drool from all over here."

With a scrunched eyebrows, I asked, "Picture of who and what now?"


I can feel my face went hot, causing my cheeks to turn red. Blaise snickered quietly as I turned my gaze away from him.

Stupid, I didn't even noticed I was starring at Potter for that long for Blaise to notice.

"Shut up or I'll make you." I warned him, which made Blaise raise his hands for surrender because he knows damn well I'm not joking about the shutting him up part, I remember one time I used silencio spell on him back in third grade. It was the happiest day of my life, to be honest.

Blaise must've put me under a love spell on Potter.

Ever since he mentioned that I was starring that stupid four eyed, my stomach flips whenever he caught me starring. It's like the other way around now, he mocks me with his stupid cute smiles.

Did I just called him cute?

Well, I do have to admit that he's a good looking bloke. What am I even saying? I should be focusing on what Professor is teaching but my mind seems to fly elsewhere.

And it falls right back to that bloody four-eyed boy.

"Nice face, Potter." Draco mocks which made me think, why did I even befriended this blonde boy? I sighed, rolling my eyes at Draco's childish manner.

"Leave him alone, Draco. Stop being so childish." I told the blonde haired boy, making him roll his eyes at me, muttering something that I didn't catch under his breath, before leaving. I turn to Potter, giving him a pity smile, "Sorry about that, you know how Draco is."

He smiled at me, making my stupid heart flutter, "It's fine, really." Potter says, "I did not know that there are nice Slytherins."

My eyes widened by his choice of words. Of course, they thought that once you get sorted into our house, you're automatically the bad guy. I don't blame them for thinking that, but they should prolly think that not ALL Slytherins are bad.

"Sorry to disappoint you then."

I bit back a smile when I noticed how his face started to look like a tomato, and the thought of making the chosen one flustered by me is kind of a big deal.

"T—that's not what I meant." He says, "I mean—"

"You're alright, Potter. Don't sweat it." I cut him off. He's cute when he gets all shy and red. Potter smiles back, before murmuring that he has to go to his class. I bid him farewell, before walking away from him.

Who would've thought that was the first to many more moments with Harry Potter.

author's note
it's been 2 years since i last updated this book. been busy with my studies while having a major writer's block that i never got the chance to finish editing the chapters.

i'll try to keep up with the editing. please bear with me for the cringe worthy chapters 🥲

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