four ; Cedric Diggory

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"Miss Baker, you're on Prefect's duty tonight alongside Mister Diggory."

Without any complains, I smile and nodded my head at Professor Sprout. Because that's what a Hufflepuff should be, or what they expected us to be; loyal and kind. They seem to have forgotten that we also experience other emotions like normal people do.

I walked out of the garden and headed to the kitchens where my house is located. I want to at least have a nap before doing my Prefect's duty later tonight with my boyfriend.

Oh, forgot to mention. I'm Cedric Diggory's girlfriend. Shocking, right?

I, Florence Baker, dating the golden boy.

To be quite fair, it all happened fast back when we were in fourth year. All I remember is that we laughed, kissed, then the next day we're dating. Two years of dating and I still couldn't quite fathom that we are, in fact, dating.

Not that we're not happy or I didn't want to, it just seem that these past few days Cedric had been distant.

Cedric is known for his charm and kindness; hence the nickname golden boy. He made me feel like I'm worthy of his love and loyalty, made me feel beautiful despite of my insecurities, made me laugh even when I don't have the will. He's the sweetest boyfriend a girl could ever ask for.


I hear a familiar voice call for me. I look back and saw my Slytherin friend, Arabella Laurier. She's running towards me with a worried and flustered face, and I suddenly wonder what was the reason behind this. I stand still until she reaches me, breathing rather heavily. Arabella lifted her index finger, indicating that I should wait for her to catch her breath before she spills the tea, as she likes to call it.

I can't help but laugh slightly at the state of my friend, then I stopped when I saw the somber look on her face.

With furrowed brows and worried features, I ask, "Is there a problem between you and Malfoy, Ara? You look flustered."

She shakes her head no, "Haven't you heard. . .?" She responds uncertainty.

"Heard what, exactly?"

Arabella leans closer to me as she wraps her arm around mine while we resume walking through the corridors again.

Suddenly, my heart started to feel heavy.

"There are rumors."

I laugh silently, trying to lighten up the mood, "There will always be rumors around this castle, that's something we can't control." I smile at her, "What is it this time?"

"It's about Cedric."

My smile started to falter as my footsteps grow heavier, "What about him?"

Arabella sighs and mumbles, "I don't know if it's true, but the Gryffindors saw him flirting with Chang."

I stop walking and look at her, waiting for her to tell me that it was just a terrible joke that she had made up all the way here. But she didn't take it back. Instead, she gave me a sad smile and murmured about something that she's sorry and she thinks that it's only right for me to know.

"Why are you sorry?" I started, but I didn't let her open her mouth before I speak again, "I'll head back to the dorms. See you at dinner."

Ignoring her protests and calls, I went straight back where I was headed before Arabella told me the rumors. That's the thing about rumors, right? It's not always true. Maybe the Gryffindors said that to make me jealous, because I knew half of the female population here fancies my boyfriend and I wouldn't be surprised if they started a rumor.

But then again, what if it's true?

I ignored Cedric for the whole dinner. I didn't gave him a glance, nor even acknowledged him. He kept asking if something was wrong and why I wasn't making conversation with him, though I just simply shrugged and ate my meal in silence.

My mind is filled with thoughts, overthinking per usual. It doesn't make sense, because Cedric never glanced at the Ravenclaw table. Not even once.

I sighed for the hundredth time already as I get ready for the rounds tonight. I'm still debating if I'll confront him later or let it pass?


My body stiffened when I heard his voice, which was new to me since I always get butterflies whenever I hear him call the nickname he gave me. And now, I only feel nauseous.

"Love, can you please talk to me?" Cedric begs again as he reaches my side, "Ree?"

"Is it true?" My weak voice stopped me from my tracks. His footsteps haltered, meaning he must've noticed how melancholic my voice is.

Cedric's eyebrows scrunched, as if he did not know what I was talking about.

I sigh, "You and Chang. The rumors. Is it true?"

His brown eyes widened once he realized what I was implying for, "What? Of course not, Ree. Why would you even think of that?"

"You know how insecure I get when..." I avoided his intense gaze as my sentence stopped in mid air. Then I suddenly felt his fingers on my chin, making me look at his beautiful face again, though this time his eyes were filled with worry, "I'm sorry." I say genuinely.

His thumb caresses my cheek, "What are you even sorry for, my love?" He leans down and  gives a small kiss on my forehead, causing me to lean closer to his touch. I did not noticed how much I miss him, and everything about him, "I should be the one who's sorry. I'm sorry that I made you feel like I was cheating on you. But I swear with my own life, I love you more than you could ever think of, my Ree. I could never do such thing."

With an instant my arms slithered around his torso as his slipped down to my waist, pulling me closer to him. I lay my head on the crook of his neck, inhaling his familiar scent that I grown to adore.

I tilt my head up, his soft eyes meeting mine, "I'm sorry I ever doubted your faithfulness, Ced. It's been a hard week and I just—" I stopped mid sentence. I take another deep breath, "I just love you too much that the thought of losing you makes my heart drop."

Cedric laughed, before leaning down for a kiss on my lips. I sigh in relief as all of my worries flushes away.

"I love the thought of loving you, baby." He says, "I always will."

[author's note]
how are u guys? we're currently on rank 3 in the #spice category! thank u so much.

all the love,

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