What is like dating Draco Malfoy?

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Author's Note:

These is what dating Draco looks like in my DR. This consists of different scenes. And also, I'll use my name for this one.

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1. Draco doesn't like it when someone else touches his hair, except me.

"Darling, please don't touch my hair. I woke up early to have a good hair like this," Draco said while leaning back as I reach for his platinum-blonde hair.

"But your hair looks so soft and I can't touch it?" I stick out the bottom of my lip, pouting. While giving him my best puppy eyes.

He covered his eyes, "Please don't do that."

"Do what?"

"The pouty and puppy eyes thingy. You know I couldn't resist when you start to flutter your eyelashes,"

"That's why I'm doing it."


"Malfoy." he uncovered his eyes when I called him his last name, he leaned his head towards me; indicating that I can finally touch his hair. "Fine, only because I love you,"

I squealed and started to touch his soft hair.

"You know, I like it messier."

2. Draco always seek for my attention.

"Babe," he said. I was studying at the common room (Slytherin).


"Nothing." he said, leaning back on his chair. After a few minutes, he started poking my cheeks.

"Babe," still poking my cheeks, I didn't answered.




I was still not answering and he was still poking and pinching my cheeks.

"Babe, babe, babe!"


"I love you and I need some love and attention too."

3. Draco is very clingy. VERY.

"Can I order some hugs and kisses from my favourite girl?" he asked.

"Erm.. let me think about it. I'm still cuddling with Blu (my cat)."

"But babe I need some cuddles too." he whined, "Please, princess?"


His face will start to lit up and will snuggle up with me beside my bed.

4. Draco likes to compliment me every single time.

"Babe, you look so pretty. Like always,"

"Your eyes reminds me of chocolates. Which is a good thing because I love chocolates."

"Ugh, darling how can I be so lucky to have such an amazing and beautiful girlfriend like you?"

"Cutie cheeks. Fluffy cheeks. Love, love, love."

"Damn, yeah that's my girlfriend right there. So fucking hot."

"Can I kiss you right now? No actually never mind that I asked that, I'll do it right away."

"Can you lay on my lap while I play with your hair babe?"

5. Tickle wars. Merlin, no need to explain.

6. Draco doesn't like it when I call him nicknames which Pansy invented.


"No, that's not my name. Babe is my name,"

"But I want Draceey!"

"No! You will call me babe. That's right, my name is babe!"

7. He holds me tight whenever I'm sad or crying.

"It's okay darling, just let it all out."

"Come here," hugs me and will kiss my forehead.

"I'm here sweetheart, I'll never leave you."

"Trust me,"

8. Draco is over protective whenever it comes to me. He doesn't like other guys who tries to hit on me.

"Yeah, I know my girlfriend is hot. Now fuck off before I make you."

"Touch her and you're dead."

"That girl is fucking mine. You hear that you filthy squib?"

"Like what you see? Sorry mate, but she's mine."

"One more wink and I'll rip your eyes off."

9. Draco loves to give me piggyback rides or just carry me in general.

10. He stutters because sometimes he's nervous around me.

11. He always smiles at me, or smirk. Then he'll wink at me.

12. Draco likes it when I sing.

"Can you sing for me again?"


"Please baby? If you won't I'll die."

"You're so dramatic, Draco." then I'll start singing.

13. He's very dramatic.

"If you don't cuddle with me right now—"

"Which I won't." I tease.

"Fine!" he'll snap, then I'll continue to ignore him.

"I'll hold my breath until you cuddle with me."

14. Draco likes to touch every single part of me. Hand holding, lots of hugs and kisses, hand on my back/waist/shoulder, etc.

15. He shows his soft side for me only. Oh, and lots of seggs. (:

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