Slytherin Party | Draco Malfoy

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"Come on, Adeline! You haven't partied in like ages," groaned Pansy.

I shut the book that I was currently reading and gave Pansy a glare. She raised her eyebrows and started to wiggle it, giving me a cheeky smile, "I know you want to party, Addie."

After a lot of convincing from Pansy, I finally gave in. She squealed in excitement. Pansy shoved me inside our shared bathroom to get ready.

She did my make up beautifully and forced me to wear a white dress. The dress hugged my body perfectly, showing all of my curves that I was hiding beneath my uniform and robe.

 The dress hugged my body perfectly, showing all of my curves that I was hiding beneath my uniform and robe

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"Isn't this a bit too revealing, Pans?" I asked my best friend as I tried to tug the dress higher.

She slapped my hands away, "Nonsense! You look so fucking hot,"

I only groaned in response. Pansy intertwined our hands as we headed out of our dorm.

We were welcomed by the whole Slytherin house — except first and second years — dancing on the makeshift dance floor. The others were drinking and laughing amongst themselves.

Pansy and I made our way towards the group of Slytherin royals.

They sat on the far corner of the common room, away from the teenagers dancing and singing out loud.

The group consists of Daphne Greengrass, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Graham Montague, Vincet Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, and the one and only, Draco fucking Malfoy.

Pansy greeted them all, while I stood awkwardly beside her.

"Aren't you going to introduce us to your pretty friend?" Zabini asked, smirking. I noticed Malfoy scowled at him.

"Oh! This is my best friend, Adeline Ellis," she turned her head to the side, "Addie, I assume you know all of them?"

I nodded and flashed a smile.

Theodroe Nott motioned for us to join them and we did. We sat on the couch next to Montague, Pansy was sandwiched in between me and him. The couch in front of me sat Malfoy and Zabini, while the couch to their left side sat Greengrass, Goyle, Nott, and Crabbe.

They all had fire whiskey in their hands and they looked pretty tipsy.

Zabini gave us some bottles of fire whiskey. I opened the bottle and drank rather quickly, wincing slightly from the burning sensation in my throat.

The Slytherin royals started to chat amongst themselves, leaving me awkwardly sitting while my eyes roamed around the common room.

I can feel someone staring at me — a pair of silver eyes to be exact — Malfoy was staring at me, like a snake ready to attack his prey.

The fire whiskey on my body started to act up, making me feel confident about myself. I decided to lean down, acting like I was about to reach something. My breasts were visible to Malfoy and I noticed his smirk and... his other wand.

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