The New Student Pt. 2

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It's been only a few weeks since Draco transferred here, he already got himself an army of girls. Probably more, he stole the spotlight from Clark. Gladly Clark didn't mind though, he said that he got to spend time with me without the girls who were practically drooling at him.

Draco and I became closer than ever, he said he considered me as his best friend since we get along so well, we even flirt sometimes. It's not hard to fall for him when he's that charming and a gentleman, I'm not even gonna lie anymore, I manage to grow feelings for Draco in a matter of weeks, which Clark was not too fond of.

Of course I wouldn't let Draco know my feelings for him.


Although Draco acts weird sometimes, there was this one time when he called me a muggle, which I don't know what the heck was does that meant. Then the other time when he didn't know what a pen does.


"Hey Draco," I smiled at him, he looked up from the book he was reading and mirrored my smile.

"Hey, can I help you?"

"What I can't just talk to you since you have your own army of girls now?"

"What?! No! Of course you can talk to me love," he said. I chuckled, "I'm just joking, Draco."

"Of course you were,"

"Did you just called me love?"

"Did I?" he now has a smug look on his face.

"You know, you're annoying sometimes." He laughed. Does he even know how charming he is?

"Do you want to come over my house?" he asked.

My eyes widened, "What?"

His cheeks flushed, "I—I mean, if you only want to," he nervously scratched the nape of his neck.

I giggled, "Sure,"

His face lit up and flashed a charming smile, "That's great! I also have to tell you something. I—I guess I'll see you, later?"

I nodded, "Later."


One word that fits Draco.


Okay, maybe two words. Rich, rich.

The blonde boy was living in a bloody Manor, he called it the Malfoy Manor. It was bigger than our house. Their Manor was creepy, not that creepy, well creepy in a fancy way.

He led me towards the grand staircase, which led to the second floor.

There were tons of rooms. If I got lock up in here I would be lost. Not gonna lie.

My eyes roamed around the Manor in awe, Draco often chuckles at my reaction. He led me towards a room, his bedroom I think. It was quite plain besides a wall with shelves full of books, a king size four poster bed in the middle, and a bloody fireplace. His room was bigger than our house.

"Is it okay if we stay here?" he asked. I only nodded.

"Come here," he motioned at the couch he was sitting at. I sat beside him, still looking around his room.

"Where are your parents?" I asked.

"Business," he said, I hummed in agreement. I remembered that he told me that he have to tell me something.

"What do you want to talk about?"

He startled at my voice and his eyes widened at my question, but they quickly soften when I sent him a sweet smile.

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