Same Place and Feelings | Draco Malfoy

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I was working at the Ministry when someone knocked on the door. I mumbled a 'come in' then saw Harry standing at the doorway.

"Harry! What brings you here?" I asked.

"I was just wondering if you want to come with us this Saturday,"


"In Hogwarts, Headmaster McGonagall hosted a reunion for us,"

"Did she now?" my voice started to drift off, I don't know if I'll come. I mean, I should right? "Did she invited all of us?"

"That's right," I lowered my eyes to avoid Harry, he knew what I was thinking. "You know, this might be your chance to meet him again," he said.

My hearts starts to beat faster, I let out a heavy sigh before speaking, "I don't even know if he wanted to see me. Hell, who knows? Maybe he's happily married with his wife and he probably have a kid now!"

"That's rubbish. Malfoy? Married? The whole wizarding world knows the two of you were madly in love with each other,"

"That was ten years ago,"

"But you still love him, don't you? After all this time?"

"Still him."

I heard him let out a heavy sigh as he walked towards me, he gave me a friendly pat on my shoulder. I fought the urge to cry, the last thing I want to do was to cry in front of Harry.

"Well, you'll never know if you won't come. Your heart wouldn't be able to move on. Just... think about it, okay?"

"Sure, I'll think about it,"

Harry gave me a sad smile and side hug, "I'll see you on Saturday, Y/N."

I didn't even bothered to answer back, Harry went out. Should I come? I mean, it would be great if I'll see him there. But what if he already moved on? I mean, he ended our relationship because he didn't want for me to be involved with Voldemort. That's rubbish if you asked me, he's a coward. But yet again... what if he still loves me? Do I still love him? Come on, Y/N, after all this time... deep down I know, it was and will always be him.

"Fuck it,"

- - -

Saturday came by quickly, I was already getting ready for the reunion. Harry and Ginny told me that they'll pick me up at my apartment, so we can all go together; and I'll be a third-wheel.

I wore a plain light-green dress, the sleeves were puffy and long, the skirt was right above my knee. I wore some silver jewellery, and my shoes were high silver heels.

 I wore some silver jewellery, and my shoes were high silver heels

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I was already done when I heard the door bell ring. I grabbed my bag, and walked towards the door. I opened and it revealed Harry and Ginny, looking cute as ever.

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