Fuck, ILYSB | Draco Malfoy

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Being in a relationship with Draco Malfoy is like riding in a rollercoaster with a blind fold, it always has ups and downs, but full of surprises.

We've been dating for about a year and a half now, still going strong. I remember back then people always say,

"What do you even see in him?"

"You're too good for him. He doesn't deserve you."

"He's a former Death Eater!"

"He'll just use you and leave you broken just like every girl he used to sleep with in Hogwarts."

Which I find it rather irritating. How can someone be that rude? They didn't even knew Draco as much as I do.

Well, it's true that he's a former Death Eater, but that doesn't mean he wanted it. He never had a choice, and it doesn't mean that he don't deserve a second chance. Everyone deserves a chance, right? How come they can't give it to Draco?

They've known Draco Malfoy as a cocky, arrogant, attention seeker and a school bully. But deep inside, he wasn't like that. He's sweet, kind, and caring. He just wanted someone who he could call a friend. Someone to love and trust him despite his imperfections. I swear to Merlin, if you get to know him more, he's a great friend.

What I mean by imperfection, he always has a temper and trust issues. Whenever he has a temper and he's with me, it will always end with rough sex.

- - -

I was making my way to the library when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see my cocky boyfriend following me.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked, I raised my eyebrow, "Isn't it obvious that I'm heading down to the library?" I fired back.

"You're going to study? Again? Didn't just my hard-working little girlfriend finished her work yesterday?"

"What else am I going to do in a library? Have a shower?" I snapped back. I knew he likes this side of me, being sassy and all, and he'll become bossy.

Now it's his turn to raise his eyebrow while showing me his infamous smirk, "Get your smart-ass back here," I walked towards him and he pulled my body against his, there were no longer such space between us.

He tucked some strands of hair behind my ear gently, stroking my cheek with a soft manner in the process.

"What?" I said with a sarcastic tone, looking up at him.

The corner of his mouth turned upwards with the sight of me, "You're getting too sassy, love. Turn it down before I do, will you?" he asked.

"Yes." I answered quickly in whisper, I like it when he's bossing me around.

His infamous smirk placed back on his lips, I knew he love this side of me. He leaned down to my ear.

"Good girl," Draco whispered in a husky voice, making my mouth slightly open and my legs go jelly. "I'm sure you had too much studying since yesterday, don't you want to cuddle in my dorm instead?" This boyfriend of mine knows how to play.

"Cuddle, huh?" I started, "I swear to Merlin you're always horny."

"But you like it, don't you Y/N?"

"Fair enough." A grin plastered on his face, with a swift motion of his wand, we're back in his dorm; since he's the Slytherin Prince, he had this dorm for himself.

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