Who's who? | Fred and George Weasley

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I was making my way to the Gryffindor's common room to take a nap. I'm so exhausted from all the tests and walking around this bloody castle.

I was walking peacefully while humming a song since most of the students were still at the Great Hall for lunch. The sun shines through the hallways, making it more bright. The only sounds I can hear were my footsteps on the cold floor.

My day couldn't get a lot better, I saw two red-heads laughing from themselves. I furrowed my eyebrows and walked towards the twins, but a hand grabbed my wrist making me stop. My body turned around and saw Filch looking at me with dreamy eyes.

"Oh, Miss Y/L/N, I love you!" Filch said.

"What the fuck?" I said, the twins were bursting into fit of laughters. I already knew they give Filch a love potion. I yanked my wrist and run towards the two red-heads, they stopped laughing and ran towards the common room.

"GET YOUR ARSE RIGHT HERE AND NOW, GEORGE FABIAN WEASLEY!" I yelled as I stomped on the common room. Both of them were laying on the couch, catching their breaths.

"Come on now, love, don't be such a kill joy," George said. Oh did I mention that I'm dating this git? Yeah, we're dating for a months now.

"I'm your girlfriend!"


"And boyfriends don't prank their girlfriends!"

"Says who?"

"Says me!" I huffed and crossed my arms in annoyance, I started to walk straight to the girl's dormitories. That red-head annoyed the shit out of me.

Someone grabbed my arm and turned my body around, I saw my boyfriend.

"George what—"

I didn't get to finish my sentence when his lips found mine, it didn't took long for me to kiss him back. My hands found their way to his hair and I tugged it, earning a groan from him. His grip on my waist were now tighter, sure enough I'll have marks tomorrow.

Eventually, he pulled away. We both snapped our heads when someone cleared their throat.

"If the both of you started snogging again, I'll hex you both," Fred said.

"You're just sad because you're single," George teased, earning a scoff from his twin.


"Speaking of relationship, Fred don't you fancy Angelina?" I asked and saw him tensed a bit.

"No. She's not my type," Fred started, "I have eyes on someone else."

"And who's the unlucky witch?" George and I said in unison.

"That's for me to know and the both of you to find out,"

George and I shrugged our shoulders and I went up to my dorm to get some rest before dinner.

- - -

Exams were finally over, the twins decided to throw a party at the common room to celebrate.

Since Fred and George were the one who hosted a party, this means that the drinks were all spiked.

I made my way to the common room when someone grabbed me from my waist. His lips crashed mine, my eyes widened but immediately relaxed when I saw my boyfriend. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

I pulled away to catch my breath, "What—" his lips found mine again, but this time it was a soft small kiss and pulled away.

I chuckled, "Well someone's clingy."

"What's wrong with it? I just missed you from all of your studying,"

"Georgie, I was with you minutes ago,"

"Nah, still missed you."

He gave me another peck on my lips then led me towards the couch where Fred, Lee, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Ron, Neville, Seamus, and Dean were sitting.

From their looks, I can say that the spiked juices took them over.

We sat next to Fred, I was in between the twins, Fred gave me a smile, which I mirrored, "Enjoying yourself?" he asked.

"Yeah, the exams were dreadful."

He chuckled.

"Say you lot, how can I get a girl?" Fred asked.

We all choked on our drinks and stared at Fred, we waited for him to say that he was joking but he looked dead serious.

"I like this girl, but I don't even know what to say," Fred continued.

George chuckled at his twin, "Flatter her, girls like that," he said while keeping his eyes on me and kissed the top of my head. I rolled my eyes.

"Tell her you love her eyes," Harry said.

"Her lips," Ron followed.

"Her smile and laugh," Neville said.

"Her hair," Dean followed.

"The way she parts her hair," Seamus finished.

"In fact, tell her you love all of her parts," Lee said with amusement in his voice.

"Oh I can't tell her that!" Fred answered.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Then why would you ask for our help when you don't have the guts to tell her that?" Hermione said, I can see the annoyance rose from her cheeks.

"Yeah, why Fred?" Ginny asked while everyone nodded in agreement.

Fred shrugged his broad shoulders, "Because she's dating George."

I choked on my own throat and my eyes widened when I heard Fred. George's body stiffened, I can feel his breathing unsteady.

"What?!" everyone said in unison and wide eyes.

"Y/N?" Hermione started, "Seriously, Fred? Your twin's girlfriend?" Ginny finished.

"Bloody hell.." Ron, Harry, and Neville said.

"How come I didn't even knew about this?" Lee said, a hint of disappointment in his tone.

I didn't know what to say, so I stayed silent. Observing everyone, especially my boyfriend; George, who's sending death glares on his twin. I swear, if looks could kill, Fred might be six feet under the ground.

Fred put his hands up in sign of defeat, "I'm only joking you lot," but I can feel his gaze burning on me.

"You better be." George spat with venom.

- - -

Author's Note:

Happy Valentines and thank you so much for 3.31K reads! Stay safe <3

xo, Dylan

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