One Last Time | Cedric Diggory

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Three days. Three bloody days had passed.

It's been only three days since Voldemort murdered the love of my life. Three days since I last saw my favourite Hufflepuff. Three days since the last time I hugged and kissed my boyfriend.

But in my mind, it felt like forever.

I will never get to hug and kiss him again. I will never get to spend my time with him again. I will never hear his beautiful and soothing voice. I'm bloody afraid that I'll never smile or laugh again, for he is my happiness.

And Voldemort took my Cedric.

He took my best friend and my lover.

Year One

"Hello, welcome to Hufflepuff!" the boy on my left greeted me with the warmest smile.

I look up at him with his brown lock, eyes, and smile. He's a pretty boy.

"Thank you, what's your name?" I asked.

"Cedric, Cedric Diggory. You?" he said and held out his hand for me to shake. I gladly took his hand. Sending sparks across my body, "I'm Natasha Grey,"

"Well, lucky for you Natasha. We'll be best friend till our last breath."

Year Two

"Nat! Where's my bloody scarf?" Cedric yelled, I was comfortably sitting on the couch in the common room, reading my favourite book.

"I don't know, Ced. Maybe try to open your eyes and look harder,"

"Found it," he happily announced as he made his way towards the couch I was sitting on, "What you reading?"

"Romeo and Juliet,"

"You know that they both died in the end, right?" he teased. I only ignored him. But the thing with Cedric is he doesn't like it whenever I ignore him. Cedric being Cedric, he lay his head on my lap.

I tore my gaze on the book and looked at the boy that was currently laying on my lap, his eyes closed with a smile on his face, "Why'd you stopped?" he asked.

"An intruder is currently laying on my lap,"

"Come on, Nat. Please read it to me," he pleaded, giving me his best puppy eyes. I sighed and started reading.

After a few sentences, he was asleep. And that became our routine whenever he can't sleep.


I walked through the corridors by myself. I don't really want to be with anyone right now. I entered the Great Hall and sat in the Hufflepuff table for lunch.

Ever since that day, everyone stared at me with pity.

And I hated that.

I hated that they feel sorry for me. I hated it whenever they say that they're worried for me. I hated that they make me feel weak. I hated that they treat me like I'm a sort of a thin glass that would break any moment. I hate it.

I hate everyone.

If Cedric was here, he'll immediately wrap his arms around me. Cedric will stroke my hair while saying comforting words like, "It's okay, darling." or "I'm here for you."

Sometimes he'll ask me if something is wrong or what makes me sad.

This time, the reason is him.

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