Good girl | Draco Malfoy

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Great way to start my day, a surprise test from Professor Snape.

Thank Merlin or should I say sorting hat for placing me in Slytherin. Imagine what could've happen if I was sorted in Gryffindor.

I was finishing up my test, when I noticed my seat mate was looking at my test paper.

"Draco! Don't cheat." I whisper yelled at him.

"I'm not cheating, Y/N. You made a mistake."

"Wh-what? Where?"

He smirked and pointed his index finger at my last name, "That should be Malfoy, darling."

"Huh? O-oh." that hit me like a train, I felt my cheeks were burning. I was about to say something when Snape cut me off.

"No cheating, Mister Malfoy."

"Yeah yeah, whatever." he grunted, I was still shocked from what he just said. Malfoy can be fucking cheesy sometimes, I told myself.

"Are you done Miss Y/L/N?" Snape once interrupted again my train of thoughts.

"Y-yes sir." I handed him out my parchment. "Good work, you may go."

I was shoving my books in my bag when a piece of parchment was thrown at my table. I looked up to see who threw it, then saw Draco wiggling his eyebrows.

I opened up the crumpled parchment,

My dorm. 11:00 PM
- DM

I rolled my eyes not wanting to look at his grey ones. I got up and headed out for lunch.

- - -

Time rolled by, it was now time for dinner. Which means any minute now I'll be in his dorm room.

I wonder why he invited me?

I couldn't stop thinking about what he could've want from me, and why in his dorm?

"Earth to Y/N." I blurted out my thoughts when someone called me.


"A galleon for your thoughts." Blaise smirked, I scoffed at his dangerously handsome face.

"Sod off, Zabini."

"Malfoy's been looking for you."

I nearly choked with his words. My eyes widened, Malfoy has been looking for me? But he told me to go there at exactly 11:00, right?

"No he's not." I said. I don't really know if I should tell Blaise or not. Maybe not.

"Who's looking for her?" another annoying voice interrupted our conversation.


Pansy scrunched up her face in disgust, "Why would Draco be looking for someone like her?"

"Why wouldn't he?" I smirked at her and Blaise before continuing, "Draco requested for me to come up on his dorm tonight.. I wonder why?" I said while tapping my finger on my chin.

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