Astoria | Draco Malfoy

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A/N: This one shot is based on the song Dandelions by Ruth B. :) <3


"Y/N!" a familiar voice chirped my name, I turned around to see my best friend since first year. He opened his arms for me, a smile crept into my lips.

Maybe it's the way you say my name,
Maybe it's the way you play your game,

"Isn't it my ferret!" I teased and tackled him into a tight embrace. I snuggled my face into the crook of is neck, inhaling my the scent I smelled in my amortentia.

"Seriously, that was in fourth year. You need to stop calling me that,"

"Never," I said, as we walked into our common room, "How's your summer?"

"It's good, I've seen her a couple of times. Their family were always invited into dinners in our Manor," he said, a blush was shown in his pale cheeks.

But it's so good, I've never known anybody like you,
But it's so good, I've never dreamed of nobody like you,


Of course, how can I forget? He's in love with her.

Astoria Greengrass.

Beautiful girl, she is. No wonder why he likes her, the way her brunette locks flow from her shoulders. Her eyes glistening whenever she laughs or smiles. Who wouldn't fall with her?

"Oh, really?" I teased, trying to hide the pain inside me, "How did it go?"

"We're already in the first-name basis," he smirked and plopped himself in the black leather couch, he patted the empty space next to him and motioned for me to sit.

"That's great," I smile half-heartedly, I took a deep sigh.

And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime,
And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine,

I've known him since first year. I've liked him since our second year. I've grew a certain spot for him since third year.

And he liked her since our first.

I'm pretty sure that I fancy him until now, our sixth year. We've grew closer than we used to, he even invited me to be his date to the Yule Ball on our fourth year, but only because he didn't want to be alone and doesn't have the balls to ask Astoria.

Draco knew. He knew that I like him, ever since I said out loud what my amortentia smells like.

But he never liked me.


"Are you okay? You seem a bit... off," he asked.

No, I'm not okay. I'm hurting.

"Of course, just a bit tired, that's all. Nothing a nap couldn't help," I joked and attempted to let out a laugh.

He knew I was lying. For God's sake, he's my best friend, "Mhm, do you want to sleep in my dorm?"

"Is it okay?"

"What's gotten into you?" he let out a chuckle, I only stared at him, "Of course you can, dummy. Come on love,"

We always do this. I go to his own dorm whenever I'm not feeling okay. I tried to hide the fact that I'm not feeling good, but he knows me too well.

And he fucking calls me love, every single time. It makes my insides flutter.

He opened the door and held it open for me to go inside his private dorm. I went inside and jumped into his double bed, I heard him chuckle behind me.

His silky sheets smells like mint and expensive cologne. Just like him.

Merlin, I love that smell.

'Cause I'm in the field of dandelions,
Wishing on every one that you'll be mine,

I tucked myself inside his silky sheets. I felt the bed shifted, meaning he's beside me since I can clearly sense his presence. My back facing his front.

"Okay, what's wrong?" he asked.

"Huh? Nothing,"

"Y/L/N," he warned, I turned my head to my side and faced his gorgeous pale face.

"Nothing's wrong, Draco. I'm just, tired."

"Alright, come here," he said. Draco snaked his arms around my small waist, pulling me closer to him. I turned around and rested my head on his chest. Absentmindedly playing with my hair.

I love cuddles with Draco, it makes me feel like home.

And I see forever in your eyes,
I feel okay when I see you smile,

He rested his chin on top of my head, still stroking my hair. I can hear him faintly humming a song, my favourite song, Dandelions.

I pulled away and look straight into his silver eyes. He avert his gaze on me, staring straight into my eyes, "What's wrong?"

Wishing on dandelions all of the time,
Praying to God that one day you'll be mine,

I took another deep sigh, "I just wish that you were mine," I muttered inside my thoughts.

Apparently, I said that out loud.

"What?" he asked, I snapped out of my thoughts and stared at him, a stupid smile appearing across his lips.

"W—what? I said I'm hungry,"

He laughed. Merlin, I love that stupid laugh of his, "Stop lying, love,"

I pouted, "Wha—"

He cut me off by smashing his lips against mine. It took me a second to process what's happening. When I realised, I didn't wasted another second to kiss him back.

His hand reached the back of my head, pulling my head closer to his as he deepened the kiss.

Butterflies on my stomach had gone wild.

My small hands cupped his face, a smile tugged on his lips. Same with mine.

I pulled away and leaned my head back, both of our face were flushed, lips swollen. Both of us breathing heavily.

"What about Astoria? I t—thought you like her?" I stuttered.

He smiled and gave me another light kiss on my lips and forehead.

"I was just making an excuse that I like her. Because I can't open my feelings for you, I'm afraid that you might not want me," he started, "I confirmed the fact that I like you when we learned about our amortentia, because it smelled exactly like you,"

"I—" I stopped, I didn't know what to say.

Wishing on dandelions all of the time,

He smiled and tucked a few strands of my hair that had fallen behind my ear, "I like you, Y/N,"

All of the time.

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