one ; Fred Weasley

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"The moon looks beautiful. Doesn't it?" I ask the boy beside me as the wind brushes past us, making the goosebumps on my skin visible. I can feel his gaze on me as I shift on my seat, uncontrollable blush creeping into my cheeks.

"Yeah, it is." He answers while still looking at me.

I happily sigh, before tearing my gaze off the moon. I smile up at him, causing his pink lips to curl up and his hazel eyes so bright. His strawberry blonde hair sat messily on top of his head, yet he still managed to look handsome.

"Victoria, I—"

I jolt from my bed, breathing heavily as I feel something soft hit my head. It did help to clear my vision as I saw Hermione standing at the end of my bed with both of her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.

What a weird dream.

"Tori, seriously love, you need to get up before Snape gives you another detention for being late, again." Hermione snaps, making me shoot out of my bed as I run towards our bathroom. Just before I close the door I hear my best friend shout, "I'll see you in class!"

I don't have enough time to do anything for my hair so I just let it down as I tidied myself up before grabbing my bag and sprinting out of the dorm.

As soon as I reach the Potions' classroom, I bump into something hard or rather, someone's chest.

The books that I was holding were now on the floor alongside my other parchments and my bag. I sigh heavily as I crouch down then picking up my books one by one.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't really looking." A deep voice says, making me snap my head towards the voice. I swear I just heard that voice, but I can't remember where and when.

"Weasley?" I furrow my eyebrows as Fred Weasley crouches down, helping me pick up the other parchments and books. He looks up at me. His hazel eyes bore into mine and suddenly my body feels hot as he send me a cheeky wink.

"That's me." He says, handing me over my things when we both stood up, "Victoria, right? Tori Evans."

I bit my bottom lip to contain my smile but it was simply impossible with Fred in front of me, smiling like there's no tomorrow. I nod my head as I reach over for my things, "Thanks." I mumble, "And yep, that's me. Unfortunately."

I knew Fred since I started studying here at Hogwarts which means I've known him for four years now. But I never really got the chance to talk to him since he's always with his twin George, plotting pranks everywhere. He's also the oldest brother of my dear friend Ron, which gives me the privilege to see him during summer at the Burrow but then again, I never had the guts to talk to him.

The thing that I don't get is why my heart is beating so faster than the normal pace?

Why does my body feels its on fire and at the same time it tingles?

Why does my stomach have wild butterflies roaming around?

Fred gives me a funny look, "What do you mean? From what I've heard, you're bloody fantastic."

I never got another chance to speak again when the door bursts open, revealing Professor Snape and the class behind him. He gives me his usual scowl as I stare past him, waving at Hermione. I can feel Fred tense beside me, but he quickly loses it when I heard him bite back a chuckle.

"Good morning, Miss Evans." I cringe at his cold tone, "Do you plan on attending your potions today or spend your time here at the empty corridor with Mister Weasley?"

The class behind him erupted into fits of laughter as Professor Snape continues to torment me and Fred.

"She'll be in class, Professor. I'll let her go now," Fred said, winking at Snape flirtatiously that make me snort under my breath. Thankfully, Snape walked back inside of the classroom dramatically leaving me alone with the guy that was also in my dreams.


I turn to face him now, "That's me." I joke back, making him stifle a laugh.

"Can you meet me at the common room tonight?" He said, taking me slightly aback from his bluntness, "I'd like to get to know you."

I find myself nodding with the biggest grin on my mouth, which causes Fred to smile back at me charmingly. He leans down and kisses my cheeks, causing my body to grow hot and flustered before he bids me goodbye.

And I, Victoria Evans, has a major crush on Fred Weasley.

Maybe it wasn't a dream after all.

[author's note]
hey, lovelies! i'm sorry it took so long to finally edit the chapters but i was on major writing block. and yes, this one is short and very cliché, but i kinda like how this turned out.

there are some changes here like how i stopped using y/n. it kinda happened to one of the chapters and i just got along with it, i hope its okay!

i also plan on adding more new chapters and one shots in the future, stay tuned :D

don't be a ghost reader! a vote and comment would be appreciated <3

all the love,

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